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If you are planning on traveling to Thailand soon, to meet women, you are in the right place because I’m going to save to thousands of dollars and hundreds of wasted hours traveling to this country.
Thailand is by far one of the worst countries in Asia to travel to if you want to get laid, so don’t waste your money.
Unless you are purely going there to pay for girls as an older guy who wouldn’t have the chance to get laid without paying for girls, that’s fine, Thailand is still the right place for you.
Thailand is now a bad country to find love in – Simply, don’t travel to Thailand to get a girlfriend
But I’m talking to those guys who don’t pay for girls and actually want to meet a nice local girl who likes you for you. Not one of those money-hungry girls who will demand you pay for everything, including her.
In my opinion, that is only something for guys who are far too old, far too ugly, or have some type of mental issue. Every other man should have the ability to meet a girl who doesn’t demand money in return for her affection.
Don’t travel to Thailand to get laid anymore, from what I’ve seen and heard, it was a great spot to meet girls, but this is no longer the case and I’m going to explain why.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still far easier to get laid in Thailand than a first-world western country, this goes without saying, so I’d like you to understand the nuance to what I’m saying and remove all absolute thinking.
In past Thailand was known as the perfect place to meet beautiful/innocent Thai girls (or so I’ve been told) , this is no longer the case.
Recently I traveled to Bangkok to meet girls and I was totally underwhelmed by how unattractive and money-hungry these girls are.
Surely this is not the perfect spot to meet girls that I’ve been told, in fact, I’ve traveled all over Asia and this was by far the most difficult spot I found to meet girls.
Thai People Were Sold a Lie
The people of Thailand were sold a lie that their countries economy was going to continue to grow over time, which they are now starting to realize the hard way was never going to happen.
20 years ago, the current generation of Thai’s started going to university, getting themselves into debt so that they could get higher education, by now they are starting to realize that there’s no jobs for highly educated people.
This has caused a whole generation to either get stuck with a huge debt or leave Thailand for those highly paid jobs.
This ”dream” made the Thai people think that they could put off having children, because all they had to do is get educated, get a good job, the economy will continue to grow.
And when they reach retirement age, they can all retire as wealthy as a westerner, this was never going to happen, and it’s caused huge problems for Thailand.
20 years ago, Thai people started learning English, hoping to capitalize on all the tourism and foreign investment flowing into the country, this is all starting to end now.
The only thing left for Thai is those low skilled labour factories which are scattered all over Bangkok. So, the newest generation has decided not to learn English, and seem to be quite lost, from what I could see.
Thailand Demographics – There’s Fewer Thai Girls

Have a look at the demographic cliff this country is about to go off. Most 3rd world countries make sure that they have many kids as their retirement fund. The more children you have, the more secure your older years will be because your children can take care of you.
Instead of having enough children over the past 20 years, Thailand people have been told that they could simply get rich so how and this will cover their retirement.
Obviously this was never going to happen.
Now, Thailand has an aging population that is heavily reliant on the younger working generation for taxes etc.
This means that younger Thai girls are starting to panic about their financial future, which means that having fun with foreigners has to come at a cost to said foreigner, or it’s just not worth their time.
Young Thai girls are realizing that they need to get married, and revert back to that traditional lifestyle, have kids etc.
Older Thai’s Are Becoming Xenophobic
Also, the older generation of Thai’s have become more xenophobic over time. They are starting to blame foreigners for their problems, demanding more and more money from foreigners, while providing lower quality service.
This older generation is telling young girls to find themselves a ”good Thai guy, instead of a cheating foreigner” This means that Thailand is becoming less of a tourist destination and more of a trap for men who still want to believe in the hype.
Thai Girls Are Being Convinced To Date ”Reliable” Asian Guys
There was a distinct hatred for white men in Bangkok, when I was there recently, almost every girl I met accused me of being a player and told me that I must have 10 girlfriends already. The problem is, when every girl accuses you of being a player, it’s difficult to even get one girl haha.
The local mall had a Korean pop star from BTS over, when I was there, and all of the hottest Thai girls went to this meet-up at the mall. This is a clear shift from dating foreigners to dating exclusively Asian guys.
Mostly because Asian guys have a reputation as being more traditional, being monogamous and more reliable as boyfriends.
This is totally untrue, in fact asian guys play around just as much as any other demographic, but this xenophobia against white guys is being driven by an increasingly older and nasty aging population of Thai’s.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.