
July 3, 2021

One Man's Life Mission

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Men who get married, often become economic slaves. Not only to their wives and children, but also to the government. Allow me to pitch my case why all men should avoid marriage, no matter what country they are currently in, though this is mostly targeting men living in western countries.

50% of all Marriages End in Divorce (USA)

According to this study : 90% of all Americans get married before the age of 50, which is approximately 250 million married Americans (its definitely just a rounded off number). 50% of all marriages end in divorce in the United States. Then that means, out of these marriages, approximately 125 Million people end up divorced.

This study says that 2.5 in every 1000 Americans have a divorce during their lifetime. Check out the map below.

30% of all Men Are Not the Father

What if you got married and later discovered that your wife was having sex with one or more men the entire time.

How would you feel?

Or better yet, how would you feel if the children you raised, turned out to be another mans.

How would that make you feel?

This research article calls them extrapair paternity (EPP). ”70% of couples having at least one EPP child” and ”These data suggest that the range of variation in EPP across human populations is substantially greater than previously thought.”

Would you get Married if they told you there’s a 70% Chance your Wife will Cheat on you?

No you would not. Science has proven that the rate of Paternity Fraud is up to 30% in many countries, which is shocking to say the least. The only conclusion I can make from this, is that marriage is a risky business and if you are not paranoid, then you are the crazy one.

Because the mountain of evidence is so great that being paranoid about your wife cheating should be the default state for most men, yet most men are probably naive to what their wives are getting up to behind their backs.

Many Married Men Are Being Cucked

Statistically, you have a high probability of being a cuck and having no idea that it’s happening behind your back.

It’s quite popular these days to insult a guy by calling him a ”cuck”. It basically means that his girlfriend or wife is sleeping with other men. And the insult is suggesting that he is not good enough for his girl, so she needs other men to satisfy her.

But this has a very serious side to it…

The Collins dictionary definition of ”Cuckold” is : ”A cuckold is a man whose wife is having an affair with another man.”

How To Deal With Paternity Fraud

If you happen to get married and have children without being cucked, you can count yourself as one of the lucky ones. That means that statistically you beat the odds to survive through to the final hurdle.

But can you survive until the kids grow up and move out?

There is a good chance you will not and that means you may have to deal with what the urban dictionary calls ”Divorce Rape”. The courts heavily favour women in western society, they are pretty much broken. A man who is about to battle his ex-wife in the courts should be aware of how unfair they are and how they will discriminate against him because he’s a man.

Divorce Put My Friend in $1 Million Debt

A friend of mine, that I went to high school with recently got divorced. He left high school to start in the construction industry, which is tough on the body, early start times and long hours, he worked hard his whole life. Since we all left high school at 18 years old, he has worked in construction non-stop, working Monday to Friday and most Saturdays. This is a hard working man who is the backbone of our society, his contribution to our society is what keeps this country functioning.

How He Met His Wife

One day he got injured on the job, I believe he drilled through his hand ( or some other injury, I could be wrong). So, he goes off to the hospital to get treated and guess who’s the nurse, he future night mare wife. She treated him and was instantly attracted to him, so she went through his medical history to see if he would be a good husband (warning sign).

After going through his medical records and deciding he was fit and healthy enough, she started flirting with him while treating him. Like most guys, he was easy to get, he was flattered and was willing to pretty much take any girl that showed interest in him. So, she took the masculine part and chose him, when you think about it, it’s quite pathetic. Not to mention the fact that she went through his private medical records (has to be a law against that).

If he had someone to guide him through his dating life in the early stages, he would never have made these mistakes. Also, imagine if he had the skills to find and attract the types of girls he wants, he wouldn’t have been chosen, he would be the guy who’s choosing. If he had hung out with me and saw myself as a mentor, he would have been able to avoid the mess he got himself into. Don’t let this happen to you, please consider doing some live coaching with me by clicking on this link

Biggest problems with men today

  • Women choose them, when the man should be doing the choosing
  • Lack of experience with women
  • Ignore waring signs

I had a Girlfriend at the same time

We actually did a few little double dates in the early stages of their relationship, I was dating a cute girl who managed a beautician shop. Both of our relationships grew in the same way, mine became monogamous for a while there, well obviously he had no other options than to be monogamous. When it came to the point where we were supposed to move in together, I avoided this, while my friend jumped straight into a serious relationship with his girlfriend.

*While I was starting to get some pressure from my girlfriend to move in and maybe get a mortgage, he was getting a mortgage and planning their (short) future together.

*When I decided to start picking up new girls on the side and create a new rotation. At 29 years old, I met a new girlfriend from a Daygame approach that was 19 years old. Still had my current girlfriend at this time and now a new girl. While I did this, my friend was announcing that they were pregnant with their first child.

*I eventually broke up with my girlfriend because I had picked up another two girls. One was a stunning dark skinned girl with amazing boobs, the other was a retired cat walk model at 25 yrs, with the best legs and bum eva (yes I spelled it EVA!!). While still having my cute 19 year old on the side.

While simultaneously my friend was stressed, working harder than he has ever worked, then coming home to a stressed wife, paying off a huge mortgage. During this time, the only thing on his mind was that he will work hard to get through this tough period, then he’ll have a chance to relax.

Men Marry Women That Give Off Clear Warning Signs

The problem is, there were many warning signs in the beginning, that she was too aggressive. In a society where women have the power, you need to make sure that you choose a wife who has the highest moral standing, a girl who wouldn’t even step on an ant, because eventually the courts will help her step on you like that same ant.

I remember once having her pop up on my facebook feed because I was complaining about the cost of rent and how my landlord was increasing it again. I eluded to baby boomers, having the ability to buy property easily in the past, how things have changed, and how those same spoilt boomers are squeezing us economically today. These are all factual comments to make that have been proven accurate today, yet she decided to jump in and challenge me on this topic.

This showed a lack of empathy (warning sign) and also a willingness to argue about a topic that she has zero understanding of (another warning sign). I personally had little knowledge of this woman, I rarely met her in person etc.

Working Men Are Being Screwed By Society

She got custody of the kids, he ended up getting another mortgage on his property to pay her out, so she had money for the kids. He’s now $1 million dollars in debt and will most probably never pay it off.

He will have to continue working forever, unfortunately he will not get a chance to relax. He still works 6 days a week, he gets to see his kids once a fortnight, where he takes them somewhere fun.

He loves hanging out with his kids, but the rest of his life is a total mess. He drinks every night after work and shares a rental property with his new girlfriend. She is ugly and a few years older than him. Recently he got caught watching porn, she sometimes doesn’t have sex with him, so he uses porn at night and they have separate rooms too. It’s really sad

There is almost no solution to his problems at the moment. I’ve sat down with him over coffee and brainstormed ideas, but he’s not willing to take the huge steps I suggested.

While I never got married

Currently I’ve got a rotation of three girls who are almost half my age and just added a new one who is doing her PhD. I’m definitely not a rich man, I don’t own property, but I’m not in debt either. I’m disabled and don’t have a career, but my life is way better than his, I’ve got freedom to do whatever I choose, which he definitely doesn’t. So, many things in my life have gone wrong, but my good decisions have kept me out of serious trouble and I would much rather be in my position than his right now.

One solution is to learn the sweet art of cold approach with me and have a more abundant dating life. Join me and lets get to protecting you from the nightmare my friend is currently living.

Here are some of my best posts:

If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.



  1. How To Date An Australian Girl – Dating Advice | Australian Dating Coach - One Man's Life Mission - […] She will always have a few other ”guy friends” around, most of them you will never find out about.…
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  3. My Girlfriend Said She Needs Space to Think – Does This Mean She’ll Break up With Me? | Australian Dating Coach - One Man's Life Mission - […] Whenever a man gets into a relationship or even gets married, he should never have his girlfriend at the…
One Man's Life Mission

One Man's Life Mission

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Can you stay in Australia if you marry?

The Disabled Casanova: is Dave’s autobiography, its a horrible life story that will inspire you. 

How do you date in Australia?

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Building a routine around cold approach is difficult. The 30 challenge is an easy way for you to get started. 

Dating Advice For Men

Baby Arbitrage For Oppressed Western Men

Baby Arbitrage For Oppressed Western Men

Baby arbitrage is a last resort for men who were born into a bigoted Western society that is taking every human right away from you, one by one. One of those human rights is the ability to have children.

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Are Women Rushing Into a Relationship Too Fast a Red Flag?

When a girl wants to rush into a relationship with you too fast, this is a red flag that she has narcissistic tendencies. She’ll, over time try to gaslight and control you. Not always but most women who rush into relationships are looking for a submissive co-dependant man to fit their narcissistic personality.