Instead of telling you who is the best dating coach in the world, I’ll give you something far more valuable. The framework for judging different coaches for yourself. Don’t give a man a fish, teach him how to fish.
The best way to find who is the world’s best dating coach is simple. The students of the dating coaches go head-to-head with each other. The dating coaches coach and the students pick up girls, simple.
Unfortunately, the industry believes that an old coach needs to go head-to-head with a young, tall, good-looking Chad. This is why the dating industry has such a bad reputation because young guys (frauds) are coaching men without experience.
This is just ridiculous…
To figure out who is the best dating coach for men in the world, we need access to data that is not publicly available. And sure, you can look at testimonials, but these are only the best results cherry-picked for marketing purposes. Not to mention the fact that so many businesses create fake testimonials.
I’d like to know how many students a coach is getting, what are their natural attributes (height, mate value, age, etc.), and what percentage of those students are getting results.
Young guys often choose a dating coach around the same age as them. It’s like Lionel Messi getting coached by a 17-year-old child coach when he first started playing professional football. But, this is happening every day in the dating industry. Young coaches, coaching young clients. Lionel Messi would never have become a star if a teenage boy was guiding him, yet the dating market pushes this narrative.
I’ve transitioned from a player to a full-time coach
In the past, I was spending all my time doing pickup, this was technically a full-time job for me. Every day was spent approaching girls, dating girls, analyzing my system, etc. How could I get good with women if I was coaching other guys? It’s impossible!
So, I have decided to write blog posts journalling my experience as a men’s dating coach. Let’s start with my most recent student, then work my way backward. Obviously, I won’t be sharing any personal information, I’ll only discuss the basics of who my students are and how I came up with solutions to their dating issues.
In the past, I would never considered becoming a dating coach, because I knew that a large percentage of my results came from my natural attributes. Only when I turned 40 years old did I start to think I had the experience to coach men.
Now that I am coaching men, I realize that the industry is full of young good-looking guys who aren’t qualified at all. They just don’t have the experience, nor do they have a fully rounded/in-depth understanding of all the different ways a student can be taught.
Which means I should have started coaching years ago. . .
A pick-up artist and pick-up coach are not always the same thing
My other issue is that these young coaches conflate being a pick-up artist with being a dating coach for men. Let me explain through a few analogies:
Soccer coach. When you watch the soccer World Cup, the world’s biggest sporting event. You’ll see young talented sporting stars, some like Lionel Messi started playing professionally at 17 years old. These young men can run for 90 minutes straight at an elite level.
The soccer coaches are usually around 50 years old on average. Pep Guardiola is over 50 years old and he is one of the youngest. Jose Mourinho on the other hand is over 60 years old. These soccer coaches bring a world of experience, knowledge, and wisdom to their coaching.
No one expects Jose Mourinho to run faster than his fastest player, this would be absolutely ridiculous. Everybody knows there’s a difference between the coach and the player, no one in the football industry would suggest such a stupid idea.
And on top of that, some of the best coaches in the world weren’t world-class players when they were in their prime either. No one questions this too.
Here’s another example. Boxing coaches. Two of the best boxing coaches of all time are Cus D’Amato (Mike Tyson’s coach) and Freddy Roach (Manny Pacquiao and many other champs too).
Good-looking, young dating coaches
A good-looking, young dating coach cannot be advanced with women, it’s just impossible, let me explain. If you spend any time coaching, this will take away from focussing on yourself. You cannot assume that a young dating coach has gotten advanced at dating women at such a young age, it’s almost impossible.
So, what they do is simple. Use their ”mate value” good looks as the main way to get laid, while coaching other men for money. And the best way to do this is by focusing on nightclubs. In the nightclub, you only have to be two things, good looking and approach enough and you will get laid eventually.
This is where the spam approaching problem came from. It was good-looking coaches with absolutely zero skills, using dating as a numbers game. You rarely see them teaching day game, that’s because their only strategy is to increase the number of approaches, instead of altering their student’s strategy.
This bleeds into only pushing infields too. The idea is that a girl who is attracted to a good-looking guy immediately is actually using some form of advanced method. He’s not, she wanted him before he even opened his mouth. This is just pretty boy game, these guys have no business even learning dating methods.
Good-looking guys who get lucky every now and then, rarely look for dating advice online, they just don’t need it. So, why would a good-looking ”dating coach” get into coaching unless it’s for running a business only. When you think about it, this is an easy scam to fake. Conflate the difference between dating coach and actual player, this make great marketing sense for a scammer.
When a young sports star met an old coach

Imagine if Ali told Cus D’Amato he had no business coaching because he isn’t currently a world champion, it would be a ridiculous thing to say. What if Ali challenged Cus to a fight, he’d be ridiculed for the rest of his life for such cowardly behavior.
Also, when a man is on top of the world as the heavyweight champion of the world, he doesn’t have time to coach anyone. He’s too busy training himself, he’s too busy focussing on his own success and thinking about coaching another guy would only hurt his own results in the ring.
Because that will take time away from working on his own results.
The best coaches aren’t always the most popular
Another falsehood that is promoted out there is that we just assume the best dating coach is the one with the largest social media following. This is because we make the false assumption that social media companies have an equal algorithm, that will allow the best to rise to the top. This is totally false.
A large percentage of the dating coaches out there are American, Why do you think that is?
It’s because you cannot find other coaches, these platforms only push Americans.
Unfortunately for everyone else, all social media platforms are owned by American companies that unfairly give more traffic to their own citizens. In terms of football, as we discussed before, Americans don’t like playing games where everything is fair, they just don’t believe in this at all. Because they don’t like losing, they’ll do anything to win, even cheat.
Otherwise, America would focus fully on winning the soccer World Cup. They don’t, because they cannot play on an even playing field with the rest of the world. This is why most ”dating coaches” are American. The search engines don’t pick out the best, in fact, the opposite, they promote themselves only.
The algorithm is rigged and therefore the best don’t show in the rankings. Look… If the system was fair, we would have an equal distribution of other countries represented. Just like in the soccer World Cup, BUT we don’t.
Who is the best dating coach expert?
We’ve established a few framework basics above that can be used in the context of dating coaches.
The guys who have the most success with me bring two valuable mindsets to live coaching sessions. 1 they are willing to try everything that I suggest and 2 they bring a positive mindset.
Let’s talk about my most recent student. His only advantage before getting live coaching with me was he didn’t spend years listening to awful dating coaches (mostly from America). Apart from looking into Ross Jefferies, who he told me, never got him any results at all. So he stopped looking into Ross’s stuff.
This meant that I had basically a blank slate to work with. I often have guys who are theory junkies, who think they know what they’re talking about, before coming to me.
Unwinding all of these bad habits can take an entire 7-day immersion, doing 12-hour days to work on. It’s awful when a student questions everything I say based on false pickup marketing he’s read online.
This just makes my job so much more difficult. So, I had a blank slate to work with, which is great. He also told me that he believes his mate value is around a 3, this is more of a reflection of his results and self-belief rather than his objective mate value.
As a middle-aged man with an Indian background. It can be slightly more difficult to have success in Canada, these are facts. But it doesn’t mean dating as an Indian man is impossible.
Day 1
He flew in from Canada on a Sunday at approximately 7 am, I gave him a good 4 hours to get ready, and then we met around midday. Before coming to do live coaching with me, he had read my book and bought my digital product. This gave him a good grounding in what I teach, then he signed up for a few online coaching calls.
We did a solid 10 hours this first Sunday, and ended up around 10 p.m. By the end of the day, we had organized two girls to come meet us the next day for a double date walk to the Opera house near the Harbour bridge in Sydney. And we managed to get a mini-instant date that led to a solid number.
Day 2
Started 10 am. We took the two girls from day 1 for a walk to the Opera house and had a little photoshoot. Then we pulled both the girls back to his hotel. Afterward, we sent the girls home and hit the streets for more cold approach.
He was a little surprised at how fast we can take girls home using my strategies, but again, because he just trusted my coaching, we made it happen.
The mini-date girl from day 1 agreed to come back for a date later day 2. In the middle of the day, we just did hours of cold approach pick-up daygame. We spent most of day 2 working on his positioning while getting into approaches. This helps with being invisible, low-impact approaches, and with getting the girl to hook (stay and talk to you).
Before the date arrived, we ran through in detail how I wanted the entire date to play out. And yes, I plan the date in such detail, it’s like a precise military operation.
Around dinner time she arrived for the date. The strategy worked perfectly as he pulled her back to his hotel. That’s two pulls in one day. We ended around 10 pm.
Day 3 We were both tired after doing 10-hour days two days in a row. We started at 10 am and I focused on his positioning again, introduced ”logistics”. By day 3 we were still only building the basic foundation he needed to know about cold approaching girls during the day.
I ran him through the pulling strategy in more detail this day. We gathered a bunch of solid contacts, in what was a day of pure exhaustion for both of us. Around 6 pm I gave him the challenge of finding a girl to have dinner with.
He approached a girl, then instead of going for dinner, he pulled her straight home to his hotel room within 25 minutes of saying hello. Because he was so new to pulling so fast, I panicked a little. Called him while he was with her, to make sure he was super careful with getting consent. I even suggested getting consent on camera.
Turns out everything was fine, she stayed the night in his hotel. So, that was a good day 3.
Day 4: This is usually the day most students start to get my methods and we start to sync with each other while approaching girls. I estimate that it takes approximately 30 hours with me to kinda start to get an understanding of what is expected.
I mic’d him up to focus on his verbals, now that I felt secure in his ability to be covert in his approaches. He had a slight issue with being too passive, even a little weak. So, I gave him a few ways to tease/spike in his interactions.
One approach straight after getting off the bus turned out to be a solid approach. We’ll talk about her later. Day 4 is also when I like to show my students different environments. I took him to a high class area, where the women are wealthy and entitled. This is designed to give him exposure to bitchy women.
Trust me, it’s good for you
Day 5: We covered approaching on all forms of public transport by this stage, plus traveled to many different suburbs around Sydney. So he can see how different women react in different environments. This helps men to avoid the trap of only approaching in their chosen ”special game” location.
You need to be able to approach women wherever you are, not just in one location you feel safe in. Later that day the girl from yesterday came for a date. She took him to an expensive restaurant and paid for it, this is exactly what we’re looking for.
He managed to pull her back to his hotel room later that day.
Day 6: I brought along a guy I taught cold approach to a decade ago. He came along, just to add some fun to our morning session. We got on the train to meet girls in multiple different suburbs again on day 6. He started to tease to more effect this day, which was some good progress.
His main issue was not seeming to be very situationally aware when it comes to spotting optimal girls to approach. I still had to point them out, which is a little bit of an issue for guys. Because when I’m not around, he might miss opportunities. We tried Glebe market for some hippy girls, that wasn’t a good fit for him.
Around 8-9 pm we went back to his hotel for a debrief and I noticed two girls sitting alone at the bar. And one girl was swiping on Bumble (a dating app). So, in we went. The girls offered us drinks and snacks. After a drink they pulled us back to their hotel room, where we had a few drinks on their bed, while listening to music.
The girls got a little too drunk, so we got their contact info and left. It’s just safer that way, you never want to be sleeping with a drunk girl, it puts you in danger as a man living in a western country.
Day 7: This day is about refining all of the basics that I teach guys during the week. It’s still another long day, usually 10 hours with a break in the middle. The immersion is designed to get most guys to beginner level, so they can find a girlfriend no matter where in the world they are.
By the end of a full immersion, most guys have sore legs from all of the walking. Unfortunately, there is no other way to do it. This takes time and a whole lot of effort, it’s far more complex than most men think, and definitely more difficult.
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Here’s a list of other student blog posts
More blogs about my coaching journey:
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, and try my 30 day challenge.