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What Does Being Black-Pilled Mean? The Black pill is a violent ideology that is extremely reactionary in its nature. It is mostly held by the incel community’s aficionados.
Simply put, when misogyny and nihilism are combined, the result is a “black pill.” The phrase “black pilled” refers to ingesting a metaphorical black pill. This phrase evolved from the continuation of two earlier metaphorical expressions, “blue pill” and “red pill.”
Acknowledge the reality of the world and use positive strategies to overcome it. Cold Approach is one of those strategies

In the 1999 film “The Matrix,” Neo is given a choice between two pills by another prophetic character in the movie, Morpheus. If Neo swallows the blue pill, the Matrix will remain his fate and reality, which is nothing more than a farce.
However, if he chooses to take the red pill, he will be aware of the world that exists outside of the Matrix’s constraints and is real.
Black pill adherents argue that the world is so harsh and terrible that these brighter tablets will have no effect. To obtain the complete truth, one must swallow the black pill. Only after eating the black pill can one comprehend the world’s real hostility and inequity.
The fact of the black pill is that this world is built in such a manner that it benefits only certain guys with particular attributes.
Despite the fact that every man is born with a unique set of characteristics, the world prefers only those guys who have more appealing facial features and physiques.
Origins of the Black Pill
The chapter of Black Pilled began roughly in 2016 when many misogynist incel forums made a shift from the red pill mentality to a newer and more aggressive one, i.e., the black pill mentality.
The inceldom community endorsed the Red Pill view to the extent that women dominate views and narratives in society.
However, the incels criticized the Red Pill mentality that by bringing improvements on an individual level, one can achieve a romantic or sexual relationship with women.
According to this new ideology, this is not how things tend to happen in the real world. Rather, they proposed making certain structural changes in society to bring meaningful and effective improvement. Thus, they began to call themselves “black pilled.”
Spread of the Black Pill
Statistics tell us that 80 percent of all women have sexual interaction with only 20 percent of the top men. The ideology of the black pill was backed by statistics and thus turned into a wave.
It began to become more of a cultural phenomenon. More and more incels began to become black-pilled who either wanted to see an improvement in their lives or wanted to make hell out of others’ lives as well.
With time, a lot of nihilists and people with alt-right thinking have also joined and become black-pilled, spreading the philosophy even further.
The ideology spread fast because there existed a lot of doomers and negative mentalities and all found a voice in the shape of the black pill mentality.
Men who are black-pilled have a certain view of the world that they think is the only truth. Some of the ideas are detailed below in order to help you understand what they actually think.
Being an incel is Predetermined (This is wrong)
The Black pill mentality believes that the very structure of this society is unjust and unfairly built. It is a fact that the looks of a man are determined by his genetics.
Whether they will grow up into attractive males or average-looking or ugly males is predetermined. Now, women in this society choose their sexual partners solely on the basis of their physical features.
There is nothing that a man could do on an individual level to change the course of events. As a result, an average-looking or ugly man cannot stop himself from becoming and staying an incel for eternity.
Black-pilled men propose online dating datasets as proof of this reality. Similarly, their personal experiences also prove that women don’t care about average and ugly men.
Ugly Men Conundrum
If a girl is not very pretty, she will still not accept an average-looking male as her match. Rather, she will try to get some attractive guy for herself, keeping average-looking incels looking for a romantic relationship forever.
On the other hand, average-looking girls are dumped by an attractive lot of men, and eventually, they hold all men responsible for it.
Black pilled mentality discourages changes on the level of self
Many average-looking and ugly men resort to plastic surgery and other cosmetic measures to make themselves somewhat more attractive. Also, some join gyms to reach the mark for women.
The black pill mentality discourages and rejects such efforts by looking for self-improvement. The mentality details that the problem is not with the incels. Rather, the illness lies in society.
Society needs to change (black pill)
Black men offer two ways to solve this problem. The first solution is that incels can accept this reality as their fate and live the rest of their lives with it.
Whereas the second solution is a reactionary one that asks for changing the whole edifice of society. Black pilled men further propose that this can be done only by means of challenging the status quo by means of mass violence and terror.
Any political or other peaceful means will fail to bring even an inch of change in society. The only way out of this “matrix” is through disruption.
Suicide Is Never a Solution (Blackpill)
For less forceful individuals who are enlightened to their black pill fate, suicide is often proposed as a viable option. Different black pilled mentality groups, such as misogynist incel communities, phrase it as martyrdom instead of suicide.
Specific Jargon. The Black-pilled community has a special set of jargon that they use to communicate. For example, “rope” is used for suicide by hanging oneself.
Similarly, “LDAR” (lay down and rot), “suifuel” (suicide fuel), “brutal”, and many other terms are used by the community of black pilled to communicate with each other on different threads and posts.
Glorification of violence is Not Okay(Blackpill)
Black pills talk about and promote mass violence unequivocally. They see this as an opportunity to purify society. Also, they think that this can shock society and bring structural changes to it.
The glorification of violence by black people mostly happens through social media platforms such as Facebook and 4chan.
Different mass violence movements, such as the “Incel Rebellion” and the “Beta uprising” have already seen the light, which has provoked many acts of mass violence in the recent past, such as the 2018 Toronto van attack.
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