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Interesting how the harsh truth about being a man in such a brutal world is never acknowledged.
Toxic masculinity is a term used to describe the harmful attitudes, behaviors, and expectations that society associates with men. These are things like the idea that men should be tough, not show emotions and be dominant over women.
Toxic masculinity can lead men to feel isolated, lonely, and even depressed. It can also lead them to feel like they have no control over their lives or bodies because they think they should be able to “handle it” by themselves.
This kind of thinking can also affect how we treat other people.
For example, if you’re a man who thinks that it’s your job to take care of your partner or girlfriend instead of sharing responsibilities equally then this type of thinking might make you less likely to ask for help when you need it because it would mean admitting weakness or vulnerability.
In this article, we will discuss how toxic masculinity affects both men and women.
Toxic Masculinity Summarised
Wikipedia’s definition of ”toxic masculinity” can be summed up as anything that harms society, for example, misogyny, homophobia, sexual assault, domestic violence and all forms of bullying.
On the other hand, Wikipedia says that being a workaholic, providing for his family, excelling at sports etc are not forms of ”toxic masculinity”.
Explore The Concept Of Toxic Masculinity in More Depth
While the term ‘toxic masculinity is often associated with masculinity proper, it is not synonymous with the latter.
Many people find themselves confused by this term and what it means. To understand what is meant by toxic masculinity, we need to break down its definition.
Toxic masculinity is a set of behaviors that are considered to be masculine, like aggression, sexual desire, and domination, that have been deemed by mainstream society as negative traits.
Toxic masculinity can be traced back to historical ideas about gender roles and male dominance over women.
While these ideas have been changing over time, we still see them reflected in our culture today.
Toxic masculinity is a term used to describe the socially-constructed attitudes that prescribe what it means to be a man. These include an obsession with sex, power, and status, leading to violence, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination.
The Problem With Understanding Toxic Masculinity
Toxic masculinity is so named because it’s often associated with violence against women or other marginalized groups.
It’s also associated with stereotype threat, the idea that men who conform to traditional gender roles will be perceived as weak or less intelligent by others who don’t conform themselves.
This can lead to anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, and even suicide among young men who feel pressured into conforming to these stereotypes.
Women think this attitude can be changed, this is because women don’t live in the same brutally violent and harsh world that men live in. The fact of the matter is, life is easier for women.
Toxic Masculinity is harmful to everyone involved, people ignore the fact that it mainly affects men:
Toxic masculinity teaches boys that anything feminine (e.g., emotions) is weak and must be rejected at all costs. This statement is false. Women and the elite upper classes don’t understand that a beaten-down man will never receive sympathy when he asks for mercy or help.
Female emotions are recognised by society, while a man who is suffering gets the cold shoulder by every aspect of the same society. Therefore women are incentivized to show emotions and ask for help, as they are rewarded for doing so. There’s no incentive for men to show emotions and ask for help, because society will ignore a mans crys for help.
It also teaches them that physical strength makes them superior to women, or anyone else who doesn’t fit society’s definition of manhood, which can lead them to act out violently toward those perceived as “weak” or “feminine.” This is also incorrect and clearly said from the female point of view.
Most violence is man-on-man violence. Yet society only protects women from violence, fact. This incentivizes men to become the biggest and toughest guy in the room, for self presevation reasons.
How Women Define ”Toxic Masculinity”
Women’s small-minded opinions on ”toxic masculinity”:
It’s a problem because it encourages men to act in ways that are not healthy, and it prevents them from addressing their emotions.
It also encourages men to behave in ways that are harmful to themselves and others. But toxic masculinity is more than just behavior, it’s a mindset.
And the biggest reason why toxic masculinity is problematic? It can be difficult for men to see it as an issue at all.
In order for any change to happen, we need to be able to acknowledge that there’s even a problem in the first place.
And this is where things get tricky for men:
Because toxic masculinity has been normalized over time by society, many men don’t even realize how harmful it can be until they’re faced with negative consequences themselves or begin hearing about the experiences of other men who have experienced negative consequences.
Because of toxic behaviors related directly or indirectly to their own behavior within this context.
As I read the above few paragraphs from the point of view of a man, I can see how a woman who has absolutely no understanding of the struggles a man must go through can simply say ”men just need to stop being toxic and everything will be okay”.
I see life as incentives versus disincentives. Women are treated with far more respect in society than men, the law protects women, while simultaneously ignoring the human rights of men (mostly).
We can solve all the problems with ”toxic masculinity” overnight by protecting all men’s human rights to the exact letter of the law. This will disincentivize men away from all forms of toxic masculinity.
Instead, government institutions have an unwritten double standard that discriminates against men. This is the main incentive behind all forms of ”toxic masculinity”
Respect Status And Power From Masculinity
One reason why people have argued in favor of toxic masculinity is that they believe it gives men respect and power.
They argue that if men did not have these traits then they would not be able to defend themselves or their families from danger, which would make them vulnerable both physically and emotionally.
Additionally, some people argue that without these traits men would no longer be able to protect women from danger because women are often seen as weaker than men due to their gender roles (i.e., raising children).
Another reason why people have argued in favor of toxic masculinity is that they believe it makes them stronger individuals overall by helping them become more confident in their abilities as leaders within their own communities/societies.
In a dog-eat-dog world, being the biggest and meanest dog is the only way to survive
How Women See a Man’s Masculinity
Read this opinion below, from a naive woman, who has clearly never needed to compete for survival in this unforgiving world:
”Masculinity is often a double-edged sword. It’s what allows us to be confident, assertive, and ambitious, but it also leads us to be aggressive, violent, and domineering.
Masculinity can be toxic when it causes men to feel like they have to prove themselves at all times, to other people, and most often to themselves. Toxic masculinity is dangerous because it teaches men that they aren’t enough as they are and that they need to protect their fragile egos by putting others down.
Toxic masculinity hurts everyone in society: women, men, children… we’re all affected by it in some way or another. We need to teach our sons that they don’t have to prove themselves by winning at any cost or being bigger than everyone else around them; they need to learn how to express their emotions openly instead of bottling them up until they explode on someone else (or worse).
We also need to teach our daughters that there’s nothing wrong with them if they want a more traditional role for themselves in life; there’s nothing wrong with being feminine.”
If a man stops aggressively competing in every aspect of life, he will never accomplish anything and everything he owns will eventually be violently taken from him.
How Toxic Masculinity Plays Out in the World.
We’re often told that toxic masculinity is a myth, but it’s clear that it’s not. Toxic masculinity is real, and its effects are felt by men and women alike.
It is socially constructed, something that is used by people in power to control others.
These people in power are lawmakers, police, judges etc who are all conspiring to create as much man-on-man violence as possible.
Unfortunately for us all, it often means that men are expected to be violent, aggressive, and dominant.
The men who cannot compete have their possessions (savings etc) stolen by the state and redistributed to women.
To illustrate how toxic masculinity plays out in our society today:
● The first thing we need to recognize when it comes to toxic masculinity is its association with power and status.
In our society, masculine traits like aggression, physical strength, and dominance are associated with high social status, which means that men who don’t conform to these expectations are at risk of being left out of important conversations because they’re not seen as dominant enough or strong enough.
● We also need to look at how toxic masculinity affects our perception of sex differences (i.e., boys will be boys).
We’ve all heard this saying before; it refers to the belief that men are naturally more aggressive than women and should therefore act accordingly.
But there’s nothing natural about our behavior. It’s learned from an early age through cultural messages like this one: “Boys will be boys.”
Women use this as an excuse to attack men, while society uses this as an excuse to ignore male-on-male violence. This forces the victims of violence to learn how to use violence against others, which is only a defense mechanism.
● The emphasis on physical strength and aggression: Aggression and physical strength are often considered to be the hallmarks of “true” masculinity, and a corresponding belief that women are weaker than men.
In this sense, it’s easy to see how toxic masculinity would contribute to violence against women. If you believe women are weak, then they’re easier targets for abuse.
And if you believe they deserve it because they’re inferior to men, then it makes sense not only to hit them but also not feel bad about doing so.
My main issue with women complaining about domestic violence against women is: The time to speak up about violence is when it’s male-on-male, not after it overflows to women.
Most women who end up as victims of toxic masculinity are the same women who are quiet when men are violent against each other. In fact, many women encourage this form of toxic masculinity by dating and sleeping with the most violent man in their community.
Is Toxic Masculinity A Problem?
Toxic masculinity is a term that refers to the ways in which society encourages men to behave in ways that are harmful to themselves, others, and society as a whole.
In this article, we’ll discuss how toxic masculinity hurts everyone involved, and what we can do about it.
A recent study found that men who express high levels of toxic masculinity tend to have higher rates of depression and anxiety.
Additionally, this same research showed that these individuals were more likely to use substances like alcohol and drugs as coping mechanisms for their mental health issues.
This finding suggests that there may be a link between toxic masculinity and substance abuse.
Another study found that the more traditional ideas about masculinity, such as being tough, dominant, and aggressive, were linked with negative emotions such as anger and hostility toward women who did not conform to traditional gender roles.
This study also found evidence suggesting that men who held these beliefs tended to have lower levels of empathy for women who experienced victimization by men in general or sexual assault by an intimate partner specifically.
The research suggests that toxic masculinity can negatively impact both mental health outcomes for men and interpersonal relationships between men and women (as well as between men themselves).
It’s important for us all to be aware of the harmful effects of toxic masculinity and to work together to challenge these damaging beliefs.
How Does Toxic Masculinity Affect Mental Health?
The impact of toxic masculinity on men’s health has become increasingly well-documented over the last few years.
Studies have shown that depression rates among men are much higher than they were just a few decades ago, and there’s some evidence that these numbers may even be increasing faster than they are among women.
Many experts believe this is because young men are not learning how to express their feelings and emotions in an appropriate way, and instead turn toward unhealthy outlets like substance abuse or violence when they’re feeling upset or stressed out.
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