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- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect game
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
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Best PUA Books
Attracting the woman you feel attracted to can be very hard. Sometimes it’s even harder when you don’t know that you need to rely on interaction and communication skills, perseverance, and hard work. So, here is a short list that I put together of the best 10 PUA books that can help you get better at picking up girls.
The Winner Effect by Inner Robertson
The idea that you can work hard to get a tiny win, no matter how small it may seem, this little win will give you a slight increase in testosterone that will help you gain another larger win. Over time increasing your success rate, which will propel you towards greater things.
This is exactly what success in pick up (game) is all about. If you work hard to get success with a cute girl, this will propel you towards getting an even better girl next time, and so on.
As a psychologist, Roberston’s book explores the idea of improving oneself by taking incremental steps.
It’s something that can be applied to the inner game as it is a skill as well and, as such, it needs to be improved most of the time. Robertson also includes in his book the idea that, with every gain, you get a testosterone hit.
No More Mr. Nice Guy – Robert A. Glover
Avoid covering up your needs with a fake facade of being a nice guy, because this will over time manifest a toxic inner feeling that will consume you whole.
This book is destined for all the guys who try to present themselves as the ideal nice guy, buying nice gifts and taking their date to very nice places on the first date without exploring other sides of social interaction.
This often results in bitterness and aggressiveness. If you feel frustrated by this because the woman in question does not give back, this book will help you get out of this cycle.
Grit by Angela Duckworth
Hard work trumps born talent, this is the basic lesson in this book. Which is exactly the same as the difference between a genetically handsome guy who naturally gets all the girls and a hard-working guy who commits to getting really good at cold approach and dating girls.
You can overcome your poor genetics.
This book calls out to everyone who thinks they weren’t born with any special skills or gifts and have to power through to achieve their goals.
The point of the book is trying to show, with examples of successful people, that what really helps a person to achieve their goals is grit and putting in the hard work and not a skill they were born with.
The Inner Game of Tennis Author W. Timothy Gallwey
The inner game of pick-up has so much in common with the inner game of tennis. I personally found so many commonalities between both of these mental games. Have a read, maybe it will help you to become a more grounded guy when it comes to meeting girls.
The title of this book can be confusing, but what if you tell you that it’s all about mental preparation and focus to enhance your performance.
When putting it like that you may start thinking that being able to be calm and focused when approaching the woman you’re interested in is crucial if you want to attract her too.
The Obstacle Is the Way – Ryan Holiday
There’s no clear path that leads you to the finish line. Usually, these paths are full of all kinds of obstacles and you are the only one who can overcome them. This book teaches you how to deal with and overcome negative emotions by thinking logically.
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
This book can be seen as a doorway to Sinek’s work as, in fact, there are many videos available online with Sinek himself going into more detail about his ideas. Essentially, the book forces you to ask yourself what your purpose with women is.
Extreme Ownership Authors Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
Stop blaming everything but yourself. If you are the type of guy who is always too hard on yourself, then this is NOT the book for you, it may in fact make things worse for you.
But, if you are always blaming others, yet never getting the success with girls that you want, then reading this book will help you to get your inner game in the right place.
This is the perfect book for guys who do a lot of night-game.
This book revolves around problem-solving and even anticipating problems before they even appear.
This comes hand in hand with taking ownership of your own mistakes and, if necessary, taking ownership of someone else’s mistakes, because you should have been able of preventing them too. By developing this personality trait, your level of maturity will rise too.
Lying by Sam Harris
He talks about never lying in a situation in life, it’s an outrageous thought when you think about it, but Sam Harris argues that it helps with building connections with other people in your life.
This will help you with negotiating threesomes and having the audacity to tell a girl exactly what you want from a relationship with her, in the most honest way possible. Might get you in trouble though.
Contrary to what most people might think, ”Lying” is a book that advises against telling lies most of the time. You need to try being your authentic self and the best version of yourself if you want to attract the girl of your dreams.
Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
Dealing with objections, having the mindset that you will find a way to negotiate a win out of any difficult situation, will help you to overcome objections and get the girl.
The author of this book is also an FBI hostage negotiator and one of the most valuable techniques he shares in his book is the art of mirroring. This brings you closer to the person you’re talking with and it can be done in a very natural way.
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
So many pick up dudes end up with huge egos that in fact hold them back in life. Don’t be that guy.
This book questions why, sometimes, you put yourself in difficult and stressful situations unnecessarily. It also teaches why to counteract these situations, by using methods of dealing with obstacles step by step and always persevering.