The Truth About Cold Approach Pick Up


February 9, 2022

One Man's Life Mission

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The majority of you reading this blog post are new to learning cold approach, I know this because the vast majority of newbies quit within their first year.

Or more like their first summer of learning cold approach, then guys who persist enough to get past their first season, often have had some minor success (related to luck more than anything), then their ego kicks in and they think that they know everything.

This is why very few ”intermediate” guys would even be here reading this, they are too busy being stuck in intermediate purgatory, mass approaching and not learning from their mistakes.

Most Newbies Quit Within Their First Year

The Harsh Truth About Cold Approach Pick Up
The Harsh Truth About Cold Approach Pick Up

Very few guys last the first year of learning cold approach, the few that do survive the first 6 months to a year just happened to get lucky once or twice, which was motivation for them to stick with it.

This next bunch of guys mostly suffer from a huge ego that is connected to their success with women, the fact that they feel superior, makes them want to defend their egotistical identity by avoiding looking bad amongst other men within the pick up community.

This harms their results, they reduce the amount of action they take, then they become theory junkies, this is called ”intermediate purgatory”.

Guys stuck in intermediate purgatory become theory junkies and often allow their ego to prevent them from stepping up to advanced level


Guys who are not willing to pay for proper coaching with a professional, often end up in forums with other guys who are too cheap to pay for coaching, so they end up learning bad habits.

When it’s newbies giving advice to other newbies, these guys never have the chance to step up a level and find themselves surrounded by guys with poor results, bad strategies and this eventually crushes their hopes for proper success with women.

When newbies learn from other newbies in online groups, they never reach their full potential. All because they are too cheap to get coaching with a professional cold approach coach


What’s The Truth About Cold Approach Pick Up?

Here are some of my best posts:

If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.

Cold Approach is very difficult to learn without an expert men’s dating coach to teach you in the early stages


The Truth About Cold Approach

The Hard Truth About Cold Approach Pick Up How often have you tried to pick up girls or guys at bars, clubs, parties, etc.? Have you ever felt bad after trying to get their attention?

Did you try to play it cool or act like you don’t care?

Have you ever gotten rejected by someone who seemed interested in you? Or maybe you’ve even had success with picking up women only to find out later they weren’t really into you. That happens way too often.

This mostly happens to direct daygame guys, there are so many things wrong with this cold approach.

For starters, you’ll probably fail miserably because most people aren’t attracted to strangers. And even if you do succeed, you’re likely to feel uncomfortable afterwards. The good thing is that there are better ways to meet new people.

Tips for Cold Approaching Girls at Bars and Clubs?

I know this is a general question, but I am looking to get into the scene. I have been going out with my friends more than I would like, so I was thinking of trying something new.

Any novel suggestions on how guys can use cold approach pick up in bars or clubs? What are some dating tips that you can give me and men in general?

Also, what kind of club do you suggest? Is it better to go (solo) alone or with a (wing) friend? I want to meet as many Girls and people as possible, but I don’t want to be the center of attention.

If you’re looking to meet women, then you’ll probably find them easier to talk to if you go to one where there’s an abundance of women.

It’s much harder to approach someone when they’re surrounded by other men (oversupply of men). However, you might not be able to find women there. In that case, you could go to a bar where women dominate. This will make it easier as there’s an over supply of women for you to meet.
If you’re just lonely and looking to hang out with other people, then you should consider going to a party or to a club where everyone hangs out together.

You won’t have to worry about making conversation because you’ll already be hanging out with your friends. You can also try approaching people you know, people you have met before.

They may know a single girl who wants to hook up. Alternatively, you could ask a girl you see to introduce you to her friend.

What‘s the Best Way to Cold Approach Women?

I recently went out to a house party where I met a woman who was very attractive. We talked for about 20 minutes and got along well, so we decided to go on another date.

After that first date, she told me that she had been in relationship with someone else before me. She said he cheated on her a few times, but they never broke up.

This guy is now out of the country, and she is not sure if she wants to get back together (give him another chance) with him or not. The guy is a friend from high school, whom she has known for over 10 years.

She mentioned that she has always liked me, even though she has dated other men before. I am currently a single girl, but would like to eventually have a family.

I’m wondering what would be the best move here. Should I wait until she decides whether she still wants to get back together or not? If she says yes, should I proceed with the next step? Should I tell this single girl that I like her and I’m interested? Do I need to mention anything about myself?

Should I call her again? How long should guys wait before calling girls again? Should I email/text her? What if she doesn’t respond? She told me that she likes sports, music, reading books, watching movies, and spending time with family.

Does this mean she is looking for someone who is a similar type of person? Should I assume that she is interested in me?

How Do I Cold Approach a Girl Without Being Too Needy?

So I’ve been working on getting better at talking to girls. I’ve met a couple girls through work, but none of these relationships have turned into anything serious.

So far, all of my conversations with girls tend to end after 15-20 minutes. I’ve tried initiating conversations, asking questions, saying hi, etc., but nothing seems to really work.

When I say “hi”, most of the time I feel awkward. I don’t think I’m doing something wrong, but I’m starting to wonder if I’m supposed to act differently around girls.

I’m aware that the majority of guys seem to have no problem talking to girls, but I feel like I’m missing some key piece of knowledge. Any tips are appreciated!

How Can I Cold Approach a Girl From Behind?

The question is how to approach her from the back. There are several ways of approaching, but I don’t know which one is the best and most effective in getting a woman’s attention. What are your opinions?
I personally think that it depends on what type of person she is.

If she is very shy or even if she doesn’t like to be touched at all then just asking her out would probably not work. If she likes being approached then maybe doing it in a funny way could make her laugh and get her interested. Just my opinion though.

There are many different approaches for this. You can try something with humor. But some girls might find it creepy. That’s why humor is only good when done by a confident man.

And sometimes it helps to use a little bit of sex appeal. However, you shouldn’t just show off your body as soon as you meet them.

Some people will see that as harassment. It also depends on the situation. For instance, if you are going to ask her for directions while driving down the road then it’s OK because you’re already there.

But if you’re walking down the street, it’s not OK. So you’ll need to figure out what kind of situation you’re in.

How Cold Approach Pick Up Truly Works

There are lots of things you can say and do to attract women. One thing you can do is compliment their appearance. This works especially well if you notice that she looks nice in a particular outfit.

Another vital thing you can try do is listen to them talk. Listen closely so that you understand what they are trying to say. Then you can answer directly, using simple words. Also, you could try flirting with her. Flirting is a fun activity that’s easy to learn. You should practice flirting until it becomes natural.

If you want to flirt with any girl you don’t personally know, you need to remember that every girl responds differently. In fact, some girls actually prefer being flirted with over being asked out. To flirt with a girl, simply pay close attention to her.

Find something that interests her and then keep her interest. Ask her questions about herself. Tell her about yourself. Don’t be nervous.
Girls love a guy who isn’t afraid of showing his emotions. She may even start asking you questions. Try to turn the conversation toward her. Ask her personal questions. Find out more about her.

If you want to pick up hot chicks, you need to realize that it takes time. You cannot expect to go to a club and immediately score an attractive chick. First, you need to build confidence.

Second, you need to develop skills. Third, you need to become comfortable with yourself. Finally, you need to relax and enjoy yourself.

Cold Approach Gives Access to Limitless Women if Done Correctly

The cold approach is the best way to meet women. It’s not a new concept, but it’s still one of the most effective ways to make real connections and increase your chances of getting laid.


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