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The purpose of writing a pick up field report (PUA field report) is to help you have an accurate record of what happened during a pickup session. This helps you to know whether you have improved since past reports were written.
You should always go out trying to improve something, PUA field-reports help you to figure out what worked and what didn’t. Then you know what to improve on next time.
Lay reports help to motivate you to keep going after each small win, which is so important, because most guys quit cold approach within their first 6 months.
Example of A Good Pickup Field Report Structure
If you are a total newbie to game, I recommend you do a digital 30 day challenge. It’s been proven that if you do something for 30 days straight, it will build a strong routine, plus build momentum that will help you to continue improving. This digital 30 day challenge is only $30 ($1 per day) so it’s an easy way to get yourself started.
- Introduction – What are you working on and why (sticking points)
- The 4 W’s
- Where – Describe the location, time, weather conditions. Location you gamed
- When – Daygame or Nightgame plus more specific times you started and finished
- Why – Explain what you were trying to achieve during this session
- Who – Describe in detail everyone you encounted, wings and girls etc
- Break down each approach in as much detail as possible
- Audio or Video recordings of interactions or a detailed written replication of the conversations you had
- Results
- Summary of how you thought the pickup session went
- What did you do well
- What you need to improve on

How to Write a (PUA) Field-Report for a PickUp Session
Here’s a Fictional PUA Report
- Introduction – What are you working on and why (sticking points) : Most of my pick up sessions have been nightgame, last week I went out sober for the first time in a while and this caused me to have approach anxiety. Usually when I do nightgame, my verbal’s are on point and I’m quite humorous. Perhaps my self confidence was all due to the alcohol and not true confidence, so I’ve decided to start doing more daygame to work on my approach anxiety, verbals and humour. I’ll be going out solo so I don’t have to rely on a daygame wing for motivation, I want to truly improve and this is the only way.
- The 4 w’s
- Where – The shopping centre near my home, I arrived lunchtime on a Saturday around 1pm, it’s was a sunny day with many girls out shopping. Near perfect conditions.
- When – Daygame
- Why – Open freely. Work on my humour and verbal’s
- Who – Solo DG Sesh
- Break down each approach in as much detail as possible : When I first walked in the mall, something happened to my confidence, I was spotting girls everywhere but couldn’t open one set. So, I walked around the mall looking for girls to approach for about 30mins until I finally did one.
- Front stopped a hot blonde. I told her that she was my type and that I’d like to get to know more about her, she giggled and told me ”I’ve got a boyfriend sorry, but thank you for the lovely compliment”. Then she just walked off.
- Approximately 30 minutes later : two girls walking towards the exit, I open with ”hey, how’s your shopping going? finished so soon?”. I noticed that the girl closest to me was far less interested in having a conversation, but her friend on the other side seemed to be showing more interest, as she was smiling, she was more talkative too. The girls stopped walking, then I positioned myself a little closer to the girl was seemed more interested. Both these girls were of Lebanese background, they were driving home in the same car, so logistics was going to be a problem. While one was super keen on me, the other one started looking at her phone, totally ignoring our conversation. I just continued talking to the interested girl, she laughed at everything I said, even though it was not funny, but I kept going into ”interview mode” by asking way too many boring questions. After a short while, the conversation became stale, I didn’t have the skills to keep it going, so I just went for the number, she offered her instagram, so I took it and then ejected the set.
- Seated set, she was reading a book in starbucks, I bought a coffee and sat next to her. After a few minutes I said ”oh wow, that’s my favourite author” she looked up and mentioned some author that I’ve never heard of and that the genre is romance. We talked on and off for about 10 mins, it felt like a hour though. I’d make a short comment, then she would reply with short answers. This approach didn’t go anywhere and I didn’t even go for the number because she didn’t seem interested at all.
- Audio or Video recordings – I didn’t use an audio app on my phone to record each interactions, nor did I have video. Instead I recorded an audio voice message at the end of each cold approach, to record what happened verbally. This helped to write this pickup field report as the audio recordings were taken straight after each approach, while the it was still fresh in my mind.
- Results – 3 approaches with 1 Instagram close.
- Summary of how you thought the pickup session went – I was in my head for most of the session, this is due to the lack of daygame experience I’ve had, plus my approach anxiety has been covered up by doing nightgame and drinking alcohol. Only 3 approaches is very bad, plus I should have pushed for the Lebanese girls phone number, instead of her Instagram, she ended up blocking me on instagram. The two approaches I got into were mostly myself on interview mode, this is something that I need to work on too.
- What did you do well – I need to give myself a pat on the back for taking action, I went out solo, made no excuses, plus I cold approached 2 girls who most guys would see as intimidating. Plus I seemed to hook girls quite well.
- What you need to improve on – My conversations were way too boring, I tried to use humorous pick up lines, but none of my efforts to be funny really worked, I seemed too try hard. My verbal’s need improvement too, I went into interview mode a few times and that is never going to work well during a cold approach.

After every pick up session you do, if you were to write down what happened by using this basic structure, over time you will know more about yourself and what you need to improve. Having proper analysis is the best way to improve at any skill. Once you have got to the point where you feel as if it’s time to take your game to another level, I recommend you take a bootcamp or Immersion with me personally.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.