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This post will cover the whole spectrum between the fraud, to the amateur, the intermediate and it will be up to you to decide who is the master PUA.
If the coach you are considering hiring meets any of the negative criteria below, the more points below he meets, the lower the overall quality of the coaching he will be able to provide you.
I do not take into account lazy dating coaches, or coaches who charge for a days work but only give you a few hours of one on one infield coaching. Either way, I’ll try to be as comprehensive as possible in this blog post.
For an inexperienced guy who is trying to learn some helpful strategies to increase his dating prospects, it can be almost impossible to navigate the frauds and amateurs in the dating industry.
In this blog post, I’d like to explain in detail how to differentiate between an amateur and a professional dating coach.
There are clear steps to becoming a professional dating coach, in my opinion.
- Become a PUA who can get girls above his mate value in 1st world countries
- Only after many years as an authentic PUA, can he become a coach
- It takes years to become a good coach
These steps cannot be skipped, if you find a guys who have skipped these steps, then you have found yourself a marketer or a scammer.
While pointing out the difference between a marketer and an all out fraud. There will be information in this post that you have not heard of anywhere else on the internet, so let’s get into it.
- Google is not a meritocracy
- How many hours of infield coaching do you get for your money?
- The pickup coach must cold approach daily
- Virgin to PUA evolution story LIE
- Can Naturals Coach pickup?
- He lives with his parents
- The pickup coach who’s learning it himself
- The Ideologue
- Dating Coach with a team
- Facebook Group Dating Coaches
- Are Infields Evidence He Can Coach You?
- The Married ”pick up coach” yeah right…
- The marketer dating coach
- The ”Textgame” Expert Who Doesn’t Approach
- Handsome and Tall Coach With Infields and Evidence With Girls
- 3rd World PUA swiping right on Tinder con-artist
- His ”assistant coach” will be coaching you
- Female dating coaches (fish teaching you to fish? really?)
- He’s a kid with NO life experience

The Difference Between a PUA and a COACH
A guy who can be a PUA to begin with, then learns how to coach is in my opinion, the best way to become a good coach. First he needs to learn how to pickup himself and only afterwards can he embark on the long journey of becoming a coach
This is a complex topic and I believe that it’s directly related to the audience’s perception of who would make a good coach for themselves. When a newbie (who has very little cold approach experience) watches a pickup infield, they mostly focus on the girls reactions and not the actual skill level of the PUA.
Furthermore, if the newbie focusses only on the girls reactions, then we had a natural progression towards more and more attractive PUA’s who received great reactions in filmed infields simply because of how attractive they are.
The newbie never takes into account flaky numbers, the mate value and demographics of everyone in the video, he simply doesn’t have the experience to understand any of that stuff.
So we had a new generation of ”PUA’s” who were pretty much tall male models who got perfect results off every approach, even though their game sucked.
The reason why this was a problem is that most guys who need coaching, are in the lower 80% of status in the sexual marketplace. So, when they try to approach the same way as a handsome PUA, they are not going to get the same results.
A pickup coach needs to understand why this happens and I’d argue that a PUA cannot empathise with his students, so he simply teaches ”direct game” and become an ”approach coach”. His solution to everything is simply approach more.
A proper pickup coach on the other hand can empathise with his students, not because he’s unattractive, that’s not the difference, he can empathise because he’s had to overcome some serious adversity.
Game is hard, there’s many ups and downs, loads of rejection and a coach needs to have a strong grasp of what it takes to overcome problems.
This is somewhat a self-development issue that most PUA’s just don’t understand, a coach needs to be intelligent too, identifying his students problems and coming up with innovative ways to overcome these problems is what a good coach does.
Myself, if I was to become a pickup coach in my early 20’s, I’d get great reactions from girls in my infields but I would not be the experienced coach I am today.
Experience does matter to coaching ability and one of the main reasons why the pickup industry has such a bad reputation today, I’d argue is because it’s dominated by PUA’s, instead of proper coaches.
Google is NOT a Meritocracy
Google Gives American Coaches An Unfair Advantage
If a non-American pickup coach makes it in America, he must be world class, because google has rigged the algorithm, it’s not a meritocracy.
You’ll notice straight away that almost all the top pickup coaches are American, this is not an accident, nor is it because American men are the worlds most charismatic or hardworking. The reason why most dating coaches are American is because Google is an American company and it’s only natural for a company to favour it’s own people.
The Google algorithm gives an unfair advantage to American businesses, so that more money flows back to America, then the American government makes more money through taxes, simple.
It’s so important that you take this into account when choosing a dating coach, I’ve noticed that fraudulent American pick up coaches who don’t even do cold approach tend to get all the traffic through Youtube and to their websites purely because they are American, not because they are an expert in their field.
So, if you happen to know of a pickup coach who is not American, then you should give them more respect when taking into account the fact that the odds are stacked against them in the dating industry.
Non-American pickup coaches deserve your respect, they need to work harder, put in longer hours and be far more charismatic than even the most amateur of American pickup coaches.
When you take into account the mountain they need to climb to get a tiny slice of the traffic through Google, you need to be aware of how competent they must be, in order to overcome these hurdles.
Experience Doesn’t Always Mean Competency
The amount of time a dating coach has been in the industry does not mean that they are any good. Usually people get better with experience, they become more competent over time, but not everyone.
Here’s an example, have you ever been to the local football club and met guys who have been playing football religiously for years? Some of these guys have never moved up a grade and they will never play at a national level, or even state level for that matter.
This is intermediate purgatory and it’s common in all areas of skill, there will be people who will never reach an advanced level in their chosen field of endeavour. And this is just life, perhaps I can write a blog post to explain in detail why this happens in my opinion. Here’s a video I made where I discuss this topic.
How Many Hours of Infield Coaching Do You Get For Your Money?
You can buy digital products online, books etc if that’s all you do, you run the risk of becoming a theory junky with little real world experience. The only way to get real life results is to either get online coaching (over the phone or video calls) or to do a live bootcamp or immersion. I’d argue that live coaching is by far the most effective way to learn cold approach, but not all coaching is equal.
My live coaching starts when we wake up and finishes when you want to quit, I’ve done 14 hour days before and will do them in the future.
I rarely give long speeches, all my clients do live infield coaching with me, from my lengthy experience in game, infield is the best way to learn this stuff.
If you are about to take a live pickup programme, I’d recommend you ask how many hours per day will you be coached infield and if it’s only 5 hours per day, you are getting SCAMMED. Instead sign up here.
Does He Do Cold Approach Daily? Or Ever?
Believe it or not, most of the pickup coaches out there don’t even do what they teach, you can spot these guys from a mile away, obviously I’m not going to call anyone out here, but I can see spot them easily. I personally cold approach girls every single day, I call cold approach a lifestyle, not a hobby.
While most of the pick up coaches out there don’t even approach, the authentic few out there like myself, are putting in the time and effort on a consistent basis to become the best they can be.
And there’s a good chance that your current coach will never get to an advanced level because he’s spending all his time marketing and very little time approaching.
Doing cold approach pick up on a daily basis is inspirational to me. I take pride in honing my craft on a daily basis.
PickUp Coaches Who Cannot Cold Approach in Winter
I’m not going to call anyone out here, but I think this is the dark secret of the pickup community that no-one talks about. How many pickup coaches cannot even do approaches during winter?
Most European and Canadian Pickup coaches cannot do anything while it’s snowing outside for 6 to 9 months of the year, how can someone get to an advanced level when they take half the year off? well, they clearly cannot, just critical thinking.
Sure, some pickup coaches spend half the year travelling to warmer parts of the world during their winter, but what about the rest? Imaging this, you have a football team that can only talk about football for 6 to 9 months of the year, while another team can train and play football all year round.
Who do you think would win if they played each other? Obviously the team that’s been training and playing all year round.
This is the difference between a pickup coach who’s cold approaching on a daily basis 365 days a year, verses a coach who cannot do anything for half the year.
The pickup coach who’s gaming all year round is doubling the experience of the European/Canadian pickup coach each and every year. There comes a point where the part time pickup coach will never get to the level of experience of the full time coach and therefore can never catch up.
Which coach would you like to learn from?
Another factor we need to take into account, is how long it takes for someone to lose their skills due to inactivity. If you didn’t do one single cold approach for an entire month, the next time you go for an approach, you’ll be starting from ground level, almost like a beginner.
If you would to take a month off cold approach, you cannot call yourself advanced anymore, the next time you go out, you’ll develop some approach anxiety and it would take a few days of focussed approaches for yourself to get back into the swing of things.
Imagine instead of one month, taking 6 months off doing cold approach, just imaging how bad you would be afterwards. Well, these are the guru’s who many guys are paying big bucks for coaching with in spring of every year.
A professional does cold approach all year round and an amateur takes time off. A proper artist is obsessed with the art form and does it everyday, an artist is thinking about his art 24/7 and a simple hobbyist does it sometimes for fun. Ask yourself, who are you getting coaching with, an obsessed artist or an amateur hobbyist?
Every spring your hobbyist amateur coach has to get back into his hobby, start from scratch, blow out the rust and get back into it. While the professional has never stopped, he’s always gaming, always improving and has a wealth of knowledge that the amateur hobbyist will never attain.
The Facebook Group PUA Coach
Facebook groups for pickup coaches has become more popular recently, due to all the media scandals triggered from Youtube. Facebook groups helps these coaches to avoid scrutiny, they are less likely to be called out by other youtubers too.
The main problem is they are mostly lower quality coaches and that’s not me having a shot at them, it’s simply because they are not out there in the public eye on Youtube, which allows them to fly under the radar a little too much in my opinion.
If you are a pick up coach, you should come under the same amount of scrutiny as everyone else. Another issue is social proof within these facebook groups overexaggerates the credibility of these coaches, let me explain.
When a few guys build a facebook pua group together, they use fake fb profiles within the groups to like and comment on their own posts, to build up fake social proof, which in turn manipulates everyone else within the group to think they are far more popular than they truly are.
After a while of building false social proof by DHV-ing themselves with these fb groups, it becomes a virtuous cycle, which builds on itself, but ultimately their popularity was all fake from the beginning.
This can lead to a cult like status for the coaches who run these groups, it’s all carefully managed just like a cult.
From Nerd To Master Pick Up Artist Evolution Scam Story
Almost every pick up coach these days has an evolution story. You know how it goes, when he was in school, everyone bullied him and he was a pimply, overweight, incel, loser, with no friends and girls laughed at him. Then one day, he read a book and everything changed, he became a superstar with the lady’s and everyone loved him from that day onwards.
Oh, and you can become a superstar too, by simply paying him thousands of dollars for his new course. . .
Why do they tell you this story? Well, it’s a marketing ploy designed to make you visualise yourself making the same transformation. Apparently it helps with sales conversions, but that doesn’t mean that their evolution story is not real, most if not all of those stories are in fact partially true, maybe embellished a little but mostly true.
Their argument is, if I can learn to change my life, then I can teach you how to do the same. Sure, to some extent this is true, but try looking at it from another point of view. Does more experience or less experience matter, well obviously more experience is preferred, the more experience the better.
This brings me to the point of talking about this topic, to protect the power of their evolution story, they spend all their time discrediting ”naturals”.
These coaches fear the length of experience of a natural who’s always been good with women, by constantly pitching the same false statement that a natural cannot coach pickup, because they don’t know what they are doing that works. And because they don’t know what they are doing, then they could never teach you how to do it.
Discrediting Naturals Through Fear
You see, I’d argue that someone who has been successful at any skill for a longer time and therefore has more experience would have more of a depth of knowledge than someone with less time being successful. Being successful with women for a longer time leads to more experience which translates into a deeper understanding of women. Let’s try this from another point of view.
A natural who was successful with girls in high school and university would have acquired more knowledge about women than a guy who learned to pick up girls during or after university. Assuming the natural continued to learn about women over time, he would over time continue to gain knowledge and experience ahead of the guy who learned pickup later on in life. Right?
So, why do so many pickup coaches discredit naturals as if they are less knowledgeable about women, when in fact they should have far more knowledge than the late bloomers.
The reason I’m bringing this up, is that I was always quite successful with girls, I was getting laid in high school, turning up to the cool kids parties and sleeping with hot girls. To me, it makes zero sense that a late bloomer who lost his virginity at 20 years old, would know more than someone like me, zero sense at all…
Not to mention the fact that kids who are younger than me by over a decade in some cases and were also nerds in high school, for some of these guys to arrogantly suggest that they have a depth of knowledge on my level is absolutely laughable.
To conclude : There is very little connection between someone being a natural and therefore having less ability to coach men. This argument is purely a marketing ploy by inexperienced pickup coaches trying to justify why they are coaching in the first place.
If anything, I’d argue that a guy who was a virgin in high school, is far less qualified than a natural. It’s like saying that a kid with a diploma in dating has more experience and knowledge than a man with a PhD in advanced cold approach pickup. It’s clearly an unfair fight.
Starts His PickUp Business While Living With His Parents
Wisdom and strength is often gained through dealing with adversity. You can’t learn from a spoilt weak man, who’s never been tested by the malevolence of the world.
I’m bringing this up for a good reason, dating coaches and life coaches do overlap in many areas. In my opinion, only a man who has gone out into the big mean world and fended for himself and survived, can actually teach you something to do with self development.
Elon musk worked 100 hr weeks while sleeping on the floor of a rented out office, Steve Jobs did it out of a garage while working in human hours in order to be successful, and the list goes on.
But the amount of pickup coaches who want to coach the next generation of men, are doing it from their parents place. How many of these ”PUA’s” are travelling overseas to film videos, then returning to mommy’s place afterwards. My argument here, is that these guys are not fully burning the boats and taking this business seriously and to make it worse, they have nothing to lose.
Yet, their clients who go to these ”gurus” for advice are often going to them out of pure desperation, often their clients are burning the boats to get coaching, with an expectation that their coach should know how it feels.
But their coach has never dealt with adversity, nor have they burned the boats, their coach has always had a secure backup plan.
You know the saying, pressure makes diamonds, but almost none of the pickup coaches out there today have struggled in life, which means that they wouldn’t have the ability to identify with their clients.
Long story short. What’s a spoilt brat that’s never overcome anything in his life going to teach you… yeah, nothing.
The PickUp Coach Who’s Learning It Himself
This one is self-explanatory, I’ve witnessed kids in their early 20’s decide that they are going to become pickup coaches, when they are still learning it themselves.
I’ve even seen virgins teaching guys how to cold approach the correct way, when they have never completed a successful cold approach themselves. When I first discovered the pickup community almost a decade ago, an 18 year old kid decided to teach me how to approach girls with deep arrogance on his behalf.
The issue here, is that these guys are simply teaching you what they have recently seen on Youtube or read in a book. They are not teaching you anything original, it’s purely plagiarised techniques they copied from someone else.
The Ideologue
The ideologue is a coach who picks a specific ideology and will argue that it’s the best strategy, even when all evidence proves their position is incorrect. An example is someone who pushes direct game only and will argue this point hardcore.
A good coach should have the ability to evolve with the times and be a life long learner.
The Dating Coach With A Team
Some coaches build a whole team around themselves, it just feels way too corporate to me, it doesn’t feel authentic. Pickup should be a man against all odds, battling restrictions society has put on him and creating a good life for himself. Then inviting you along to get some coaching with him, in an authentic way.
When a coach has a team, we know that he is incentivised to push the limits of what is ethical, because he has employees to pay.
Infields Are NOT Evidence They Can Coach
When most people watch infields, they look for 2 things, the reaction of the girl and how ”charismatic” the guys verbal’s are. Sure, it’s a simplistic way of looking at such a complicated social interaction, but this is how it is. This is by definition subjective, it’s like we have untrained judges giving their opinions on whether a coach is good or not based on their uneducated, subjective opinion. Yeah, how could that go wrong.
Handsome Guys Make Good Infields
The way she reacts is often based on her initial attraction to the guy, if he’s above her mate value, then she is more likely to start giggling and showing clear signs she’s attracted to him, no matter how poor his verbal’s are. Hell, he could use canned lines and routines and get good reactions, as long as she is attracted to him.
Infields Can Be Faked
Many infields are fake, the reason why I like to think of myself as someone with experience is I spent a few years hanging out with some of the worlds biggest pranksters, filming ”pranks” and most of them are fake, I’ve seen them being set up from behind the scenes. An infield can be faked just as easily.
Obviously, I wont name these guys, but I will say that one of them has 11 million followers on facebook and appeared on Logan Pauls podcast recently.
The difference between a PUA and a pickup coach is important to understand, I’ve already covered this in the beginning of this blog. Clearly, just because someone gets good reactions for girls in an infield, doesn’t mean that they can coach you.
The Married Dating Coach
This is a complex one for a few reasons. How skilled of a PUA was this guy before he started coaching?, then how long was he honing his coaching skills before he got married? This is all relevant in my opinion.
This reminds me of Cus D’Amato’s story, he was an aspiring world champion himself but had a few too many injuries, Cus D’Amato couldn’t fight in the ring, so he became a coach and one of his students was Mike Tyson.
I’ve never heard anyone say that Mike Tyson would have become world champion without Cus D’Amato coaching and maybe no other coach could have made Tyson into a champion.
The question is, how dedicated was the coach to pick up before he got married. Cus D’Amato was dedicated to boxing from beginning to the end, he was passionate about boxing and therefore made a world class coach. I would like to delve deeper into this topic in another blog post.
The Marketer – Fake PickUp Guru
There are so many of these guys out there and to be honest it does make me a little angry. Let me just tell you about one guy that is a total fraud in my opinion and it makes me sick. He is an American guy in his 20’s and clearly lives with his parents and instead of just getting good at game, he decided to turn it into a business immediately.
That’s a cluster of scam signs already. He started doing cold approach during college with some guy who hung out with RSD, he used that as a way to pitch his experience on his channel, kinda social proof to his weak minded audience.
Then like all good marketers, he decided to rebrand away from pickup terminology and found a latin girl who was making dating videos and he started stealing the titles of her videos, stealing her thumbnails and recreating her videos on his own channel.
This marketing scammer, has over 100k subscribers on his channel now and is probably making loads of money.
The number one issue here is, he never put in the time and effort to learn game, he just took some of the surface level stuff and turned it into a business.
The ”Texting/Online Dating Expert” Fraud
If a dating coach only focusses on ”textgame” or talks about using Tinder and this is their ”speciality”, then they are a scammer. All dating coaches for men need to have a solid background in cold approach.
Any man with basic common sense can figure out how to use online dating apps and figure out how to text them. Even if they are unsure about something, there are countless videos and articles online for free to get simple tips and tricks from.
But without cold approach, the guy is just a scammer.
He Uses ”Assistant Coaches”
This goes back to the fact that you are paying for a service and usually you will be watching the coach online for a while before you eventually decide to pay for coaching, then you get blindsided with an assistant coach who you have never heard of before.
Refuse to take the bootcamp unless you get the main coach you want, don’t settle for some no-body assistant coach.
Female Dating Coaches (fish teaching you to fish?)
This makes me angry, it’s just another form of ”onlyfans” or a simp following an IG model and liking all her pictures. You will never get any real insights from a female dating coach, this is just a fish trying to teach you how to fish.
They simply cannot do it, especially when the female coach is really hot with big boobs, the guys who pay her for coaching might as well pay for a prostitute or stripper, because in my opinion, that’s kinda what you are doing.
He’s a Kid with NO Life Experience
Pickup and dating advice is quite complex and it overlaps with self development, so many guys enlist the services of a dating coach to help them with women but they may be carrying other problems as well.
A kid who has no experience, simply doesn’t have the life experience to even discuss some of these topics with men.
For this reason, a young and inexperienced dating coach can do more hard than good.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.