What makes me qualified to give advice on this topic : I’ve slept with between 50 and 100 Japanese girls (maybe more) and dated a few as my girlfriend. And I’ve even lived with one Japanese girl for a short period of time.
Most of my experience with Japanese girls comes from Australia and only a short 8 day trip to Japan I made a few years ago. So, my experience is not from the easy perspective of a foreigner living in Japan, which should make my advice more valuable.
The cultural differences in Japan make dating difficult for westerners. We don’t fully comprehend when we have done something wrong to offend a Japanese person and they are not often up front with their emotions. Not to mention the language barrier too. Dating Japanese girls is more of a short term dating strategy for all of these reasons.
Racism also plays a part in Japan when it comes to interracial couples.
Most people just assume that Japanese girls are easy to sleep with and mostly this is true. In this post I’ll discuss picking up Japanese girls to sleep with for either short term romps or as a girlfriend and also what you need to know before getting a Japanese girlfriend.
My Experience Dating In Japan
- My Experience Dating In Japan
- Why Japanese Girls Sleep With Foreigners?
- Where I Meet Japanese Girls?
- How To Cold Approach Japanese Girls For Success?
- What To Do With A Japanese Girl On The First Date?
- What Are Japanese Girls Like In Bed?
- Japanese Girls And Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)
- Conclusion
Here’s a cool video I made on Youtube to show people the area I was staying.
Although I’ve got an enormous amount of experience dating Japanese girls in a western country (which is far more valuable than being a gaijin in Japan), 8 days is the total amount of my experience in Japan, it was a quick trip, yet I managed to get laid several times, here’s my story.

Gaijin Picking Up Japanese Girls in Osaka
Day 1 Flaky Japanese Girls in Osaka
A few years ago I travelled to the U.K. and France from Australia. I hate flying, it’s one of my greatest fears, so the long flight times don’t help, when I want to travel. It takes over 24 hours to fly such a long distance from Australia to Europe, so I took a weeks break in Singapore on the way there and 8 days break in Japan on the way back.
In the future I’ll talk about Singapore if you like, send me a message here or here or here if that sounds like something you’d like to here about.
Before arriving in a city to meet girls, you need to do your research on the best place to stay which will maximise your dating opportunities when you arrive. Otherwise you will not be able to hit the ground running and that will ruin your holiday. I chose dotonbori because it had nightclubs, higher population etc.
Usually I would pipeline girls contacts before arriving in a new city but online dating wasn’t working due to a foreigner murdering a local Japanese girl literally just before I planned my trip. So, no Japanese girls were biting on any of the online dating apps I tried, therefore unfortunately I arrived with zero contacts.
I landed in Osaka Japan around 6pm and realised immediately that without a strong grasp of the Japanese language, this was going to be a difficult trip to navigate. My hotel was in dotonbori, approximately 1 hour from the airport and nothing was in English, most people would see this as a negative but I loved the fact that I had an excuse to ask every Japanese girl I saw for directions. Not to mention that I needed some exercise after such a long plane trip.
The trip from the airport to my hotel became an epic cold approach session that lasted almost 4 hours. Every single Japanese girl was so easy to hook that I’d find one to help me buy a ticket, she would be in a rush, so I’ll get her number and say good bye, then I’d find another to help me find my trains platform, number close then keep moving.
I eventually arrived at the dotonbori train station, but I needed help to find my hotel didn’t I… So, I found the hottest one yet out the front of a ”Lawson’s” (which is pretty much the same as a 711). She had a boyfriend but was willing to help me buy the correct sim card for my stay and walk me to my hotel.
I naturally invited her up to my room but she insisted on waiting in the lobby for me. I said ”I’ll drop my bags off, then we can go to a cafe together” she accepted.
I thought this was going to be easy, maybe not that easy then. . .
We had a matcha (green tea) in a cafe one block from my hotel, set up my number one weapon of pickup, my sim card, put the 4 numbers in and sent them all messages. She was super hot and attentive to everything I was saying, in my mind, there was still a possibility that I could take her back to my room afterwards, ”maybe I just need to build more rapport” I thought. But unfortunately I couldn’t pull her back to my hotel, got her mobile number and said good bye.
From memory I believe that I had 5 Japanese girls numbers in my phone within a few hours of arriving in Japan, I was thinking ”this is going to be an awesome trip” even though I couldn’t pipeline numbers beforehand, my cold approach is so good that I’m going to slay Japan!
Not one single Japanese girl replied to my texts. . . Ghost city
After the matcha fail, I went back to my hotel to unpack. Around 1am I went back out for my first proper daygame session, or you could call it ”gutter game”. The streets were tiny and within every side street was at least 3 or more little bars with people drinking on little wooden seats on the footpath drinking sake or whatever.
I got into a few mixed groups of girls and guys, one group had an Australian and he was super excited to meet another Aussie for some reason, pretty much begged me to hang out with him, but I didn’t fly across the world to hang out with people I can meet in my own country. All the groups seemed to be dominated by foreign men, the sausage ratio was not the best.
Around 2:30am I struck gold outside a tiny dance studio in a side alley. There was a stunning Japanese girl with her less stunning friend waiting out the front.
I approached and they were both so attentive, they told me about their aspirations to be dancers in music videos or some other career path I didn’t fully understand. I got the hot ones number and made sure that I made specific plans to meet her in the next few days for dinner, I felt this was needed after losing 5 other contacts that night.
Japan was blowing my mind at this point, it seemed too good to be true, apart from the 5 flaky numbers I got earlier. Anyway, maybe those girls will reply to me tomorrow, maybe they didn’t see my text, maybe they went to sleep already, maybe, maybe, maybe.
We’re hitting 3-4am at this point and the excitement is wearing off and is being replaced by exhaustion. One more lap, I told myself, outside a corner take away food shop I met this guy who was from Mongolia, I picked his brain about how to meet Japanese girls, his tips were not the best but we exchanged numbers and he said that we can wing each other.
Around 4-5am I went back to my hotel and passed out, knowing that I did my best to pick up a Japanese girl on my first day, but still very hopeful something will manifest itself tomorrow. Usually I get laid day 1 when I travel abroad, I passed this off as a pipelining issue.
If you are interested in learning how to meet women, I’ve got a free facebook group for you to join here. It’s full of over 30 hours or more of educational infields.
Western Man in Japan Looking For Love
Day 2 Western Guy Chasing Girls in Osaka
Good morning Osaka, the gaijin (white guy in Japan) is up and ready to slay, well I woke up around midday. Across the road from my hotel was Lawsons, they are pretty much the same as 711 but their coffee machines pump out way better tasting coffee.
Cold approach pick up is a lifestyle, which means that I’m always switched on, a super hot Japanese business woman enters Lawsons, ”so here we go” I say to myself and approach her. She literally speaks zero English words, yet still gives me a flaky number. Yup, haven’t been in Japan 24 hours when I notice an obvious pattern here.
All of the numbers I have farmed until now (except the aspiring jpop dancer) have been flaky. Miss Jpop was checking her schedule, I’ll check my hard drive to see if I’ve got any old photos. With my new favourite coffee (lawsons) in hand, it was time to explore Osaka and the best way to start conversations when you are a tourist, is to :
- Ask for directions
- Get girls to take photos of you
- Pretend you are lost
- Ask girls any random question you possibly could, in order to start a conversation
Two cute Japanese girls took this photo for me, then I transitioned into a conversation. They invited me along to go shopping with them, at the end I got the mobile number of the better looking girl and it turned out to be less flaky than most of the previous contacts from the last 24 hrs, she was replying but keep in mind, I only had 8 days in Japan, so this needed to happen fast.
Later on that day I met up with the mongolian guy I met last night and we went out to meet girls in a few bars, but all the nightclubs in Osaka were either empty or full of prostitutes. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t as motivated as me, he never approached any girls. This made him more of a burden than a helpful wingman.
This was a brutal day 2, considering all the meaningful approaches I managed to make and all the contacts I had, it was surprising that I didn’t have more success at this point. The funny thing is, while most guys would become deterred at this point, from my experience, if I keep analysing my cold approach strategy, over time, I’ll end up winning. So, I was not too worried at this point.

Warning Signs For Dating Japanese Girls
Day 3 Daygame in Osaka
- Innovating with proper analysis
- Cultural and communication problems
- Japanese girls see men as providers
- Jpop girl comes out for dinner with me
Woke up a little earlier this day, so that I could take full advantage of the entire day. Grabbed a coffee from lawsons around 10am and I was off to explore new areas around Osaka, I felt that staying right in the centre of the city the entire time was not the best idea. You know the famous saying, keep doing the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. This goes for cold approaching in the exact same spot too.
Communication is a huge problem in Japan, most people don’t speak English at all. So, I spent day 3 travelling to English schools hoping to find girls who I could speak engish better, but unfortunately none of them were open, it was some type of holiday.
Then I went to the local university and found a few girls who were quite busy and gave me flaky numbers, at this point I wasn’t even asking for their numbers, they were offering them to get rid of me. This was a communication and cultural problem, but the difference between myself and most guys who do cold approach, I’m experienced, so I can analyse the situation, to overcome it.
Finally get what seems like a solid date night lined up, building some momentum and hopeful that I’ll seal the deal tonight. Double booked day 3, I lined up a new girl to come for dinner, then afterwards I lined up Jpop girl that I met around 2am at dance studio near my hotel.
By this stage my phone is full of so many flaky numbers, that is was getting quite ridiculous. Went through all my contacts, but most of them lived about an hour away in a nearby city called Kyoto, most of the girls I had been meeting were travelling to the city for work or just to go shopping, then catching the train home to Kyoto. If I ever go back, I’d just go straight to Kyoto and cut out all the travelling problems.
To add to the logistical nightmare, the trains close at midnight, which means that I need to find a girl who lives in the city or convince one of these girls from Kyoto to stay overnight. None of the girls in my phone at this point were willing to catch a taxi and to be honest, I wasn’t willing to pay for that, Osaka is quite expensive.
Turned up for my first date and sat down, she was late, this was not a good start. Eventually she turned up, maybe 30 mins late, she said hello, grabbed the menu, called the waiter over and started ordering (keep in mind, I’m obviously paying…) this was a bad sign for many reasons. Then she asked if her friend could join us, which was another bad sign.
Turns out that she wanted a free meal, then she’ll hit the nightclub with her friends to dance and drink. When I figured out what was going on, I pretty much told her to piss off (in a nice way of course). Lesson learned, some Japanese girls are extremely rude and use men, maybe she had been watching ”sex in the city” with subtitles and learned a trick or two. Well played I thought to myself, it’s time that I figure out how to get a win for myself though.
Jpop girl arrives later that night and she’s stunning, I tried to pull straight into my hotel for ”dinner”, but she said it was way too fast. So, we ended up walking down a few side streets looking for a spot to eat, we pick a quiet little restaurant and the waiter asks her if we are dating, then started cross examining her on how we met (in Japanese of course) what a cock blocking prick. This was evidence of his racism towards foreigners, plus his jealousy in my opinion. Evidence of how hot she is too, he was definitely surprised to see a foreigner with such a stunner.
After dinner I tried to pull but she had to work the next day etc etc. This one was compliant, we held hands, made out, but I couldn’t pull back to my hotel. It definitely would have worked out, if I was staying in Japan long term. oh well. Day 3 ended with yet another fail.
Afterwards I met up with my mongolian friend and we did a few hours of gutter game. If you would like to improve your own cold approach skills, I’ve created a great 30 day cold approach challenge for guys who are relatively new to game. If you are new to game, this will literally change your life.

How To Cold Approach Japanese Girls For Success?
Day 4 Cold Approach Pickup in Osaka
Woke up and went to Lawsons for my morning coffee again, this was my morning routine, i liked it. Nice coffee and some Japanese pastry for breakfast, then hit the streets for some DG, I was starting to get into a rhythm. While having my coffee, I’d do admin (text all my contacts) then come up with a new innovative way to tackle the problem at hand.
Instant pulls were on the agenda for today I decided. And mix in a few two sets because they seemed to work slightly better than others over the past few days. While trying to approach different demographics of girls, in Japan that means business girls, high maintenance girls, girls working in shop fronts, girls who hang around skate parks (skater chicks), maybe a few tattooed girls etc The goal was to mix it up and gather as much information on the problem at hand as possible.
The first hook of the day was a hot business woman, she came back to the cafe on the ground level at my hotel, then she agreed to come upstairs to my room. Just as we entered the lobby and were about 10 metres from the elevator, the concierge spoke to her in Japanese (I don’t know what he said to her) she pointed up and continued talking, she stopped and gestured to me that we need to go, I tried to convince her, but she decided to leave… That’s the second time a Japanese guy had cock blocked me and this time it was my own concierge. I gave him a disgruntled look as we left.
Usually I would choose a hotel with a lobby that’s easier to pull into, but unfortunately Osaka was so expensive that I had to take this one.
Back to the streets, I met a super cute uni student next and pulled directly to my hotel within 30 seconds of saying hello, she complied from hello the my lobby and this time I was ready for the cock blocker. I gave him the angriest look I could possibly make as we entered the lobby and luckily he shut his mouth.
This girl complied from hello to my hotel bed within literally 10 minutes. We started making out on my bed, then I discovered that it was that time of the month. We couldn’t communicate well, but with a few grunts (like cavemen) we acknowledged the problem and she suggested that she wanted to go, so we left.
In the elevator we made out more and she fanned her face with her hand and said in broken English ”this is hot. passion” something like that. It was pretty cool, even though I failed again.
It was lunchtime, so I decided to change it up and experiment with groups of girls and try take them out to lunch. Within an hour I found two girls who agreed to have lunch with me, both were about 20 years old and super cute. Guess where these two girls were from? Yup, Kyoto… There was a clear pattern emerging here.
Also, I started to act more high energy, almost like a male bimbo around these girls, I noticed that they were more compliant when I acted this way and I’m here to do whatever will help me win, so I did it.
At the end of lunch, instead of getting one girls number, I asked for both girls numbers and instead of showing intent towards one, I acted as if we are all just friends. This is different in western society, but in Japan this took all the pressure off the girls and kinda made them compete for me, well I was trying to artificially manufacture that anyway.
Remember this interaction, because it’s important.
If you would like to improve your own cold approach skills, I’ve created a great 30 day cold approach challenge for guys who are relatively new to game. If you are new to game, this will literally change your life.
Japanese Pick Up Artists
For a few days now I had noticed many Japanese guys approaching girls in the street, a gamer can spot another gamer from a mile away. Later on that afternoon I decided to approach two Japanese guys who were cold approaching Japanese girls. They were super friendly and told me what they were doing, below is the video I made of these guys talking about picking up Japanese girls in Osaka, it was hilarious.
They said I could hang out with them and do some approaches. In Japan, these guys would approach from behind the girl and do a lot of bowing, it was totally different from anything I had seen before, I gave it a try and it seemed to work a little better to hook the girl, so I kept this new strategy in my tool belt for the rest of the trip.
Remember, when your ego tells you that you know everything, then you know nothing. Be a life long learner and you will improve in every aspect of life. Don’t ever think that you know everything, one thing I always learn is that the more I learn the more I realise I don’t know. Low IQ egotistical guys think they know everything, which is in fact evidence that they know nothing.
These guys taught me so much about Japanese culture, it turns out that my mongolian friend knew these guys too, seems like there was an underground PUA community in Osaka and I happened to tap into it by having the ability to spot a gamer approaching. That was pretty cool.
Check out the video below and I’ll tell you have that night played out afterwards.
Right after this video was filmed, we hung out on the corner approaching girls and one of the guys spotted a hot blonde American girl from across the road, he chased after her and brought her back to meet me hahaha. They were gaming for me too, too funny. The American girl was quite cute, she was keen too, she suggested that we get a drink together.
I said ”we can have a drink at my hotel, I’ve got drinks in the fridge” she said ”sure, sounds good”. At that moment, I pulled out and decided to hang out with the Japanese pua’s. Look, I didn’t travel to Japan to pick up a girl that I can meet back in Australia, I came here to date some authentic Japanese girls.
I’ve got a free 3 part video series for guys who are interested in improving their dating lives, I recommend you sign up to my newsletter too.
Why Japanese Girls Sleep With Foreigners?
Day 5 Gaijin Defeats Osaka
This morning I woke up to many of my ”two girl” approach contacts messaging me. There was a clear pattern emerging, when I approached two girls who were together with high energy (male bimbo style), took them on a instant date for a meal, then at the end number closed both of the girls without showing sexual intent on either.
Then straight after we leave each other, sending both of the girls a text message saying that we should hang out. When I used this specific strategy, one of the girls would become keen on me. It seemed like pinning them against each other like that was the secret ingredient.
Below is me and my mongolian friend picking up girls under the dotonbori bridge in Osaka. Day 5 in Osaka was when all the hard work started to pay off, my interactions became far more solid, the flaky numbers totally disappeared, things just started to make sense, but I would never have got to this point without putting in 4 full days of hardcore cold approach and analysis in order to understand the new environment I was in.
These girls started off uninterested, later that day, they were hooked on us. Guess where they were both from… Yup, you guessed right again, they travelled from Kyoto to go shopping. We couldn’t pull today and they were keen, but couldn’t come back until the following weekend, unfortunately I only had 3 more days left.
Later this day the 20 year old uni student caught the train to come to my hotel for ”dinner”. At that point I had a basic strategy mapped out, on how to meet and date Japanese girls in Osaka. Day 5 was the beginning of what I like to call ”compound pussy” sure it sounds like a misogynistic term but it’s not, it’s the point at which all your contacts start to multiply at an exponential rate. From the moment of filming this video, I had so many girls coming in that I didn’t have time for them all.
I’ve got a free 3 part video series for guys who are interested in improving their dating lives, I recommend you sign up to my newsletter too.
What To Do With A Japanese Girl On The First Date?
Day 6 Getting Laid in Osaka
I woke up brimming with confidence after such a victorious night, it’s good to see a connection between effort and reward. This always happens, no matter where I am and how difficult the situation is. I’m not saying that Japan is a difficult place to get laid, it’s quite easy, but under these circumstances it was not that easy.
A while ago I remember watching a video of a British guy who decided to coach daygame, this same guy went to some eastern European country to daygame and he was rejected constantly for a day or two. Instead of doubling his efforts, he had some sort of breakdown, quite pathetic in my opinion, here’s the video where I critic what he did.
After getting my usual morning coffee at lawsons, I noticed the city was busier than usual, there was some type of festival on. That was a great opportunity for some easy approaches and in fact some of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen in my life were at that festival. Japanese girls are by far the most beautiful in Asia (just my opinion) and the very best don’t leave Japan.
I couldn’t wait to put my new strategy to the test on day 6, out the front of a KFC and Macdonalds fast food court yard were two hot girls deciding what to eat for lunch. Here we go again, in I went with the new strategy that seemed to work for Japan. Convinced them both to come for lunch with me, acted like a male bimbo, got both girls contacts after eating, then texted both of the girls as soon as we parted ways.
Guess where these girls were from? Yup, Kyoto again, you are getting good at this.
These girls walked to the train together, then parted ways. As soon as they parted ways, one of them sent me a message telling me that she’s waiting at lawsons out the front of my hotel for me. This couldn’t get any better right. She literally came straight to my room and the rest is history. While she was in my place, another girl started messaging me around 8pm asking if I was free for dinner. Yup, compound pussy was in full effect.
What Are Japanese Girls Like In Bed?
Day 7 Where I Meet Japanese Girls in Osaka?
My flight home was only 24 hours away at this point.
After having a few wins, I thought that it might be a good idea to have a look at Osaka castle, it’s over 400 years old, pretty epic thing to look at. So, I went there and did approaches around the tourist areas with little success, this was a different environment from the centre of the city. While navigating the train system to and from the castle I did my admin and organised the girl from last night who was waiting outside for me, I made plans for her to come over for a ”movie” at my place.
Unfortunately Jpop girl was still too busy until the next weekend, so I ran out of time to meet her.
This night was by far the most epic for a few reasons, the girl who came over looked so innocent but she talked about her fascination with three-sums but had never been able to try it (pretty much suggesting that I do it with her). We discussed it overnight, but the next morning I had to check out by 10am and I had finally run out of time.
To conclude, Japan should be visited after you pipeline contacts beforehand because cold approach in Japan can take some time to kick in and for yourself to reach compound pussy.
If you want to wing me while I’m doing cold approach and you’ll like to learn infield with me, you should definitely hit me up for a coaching here
I’ve got a free 3 part video series for guys who are interested in improving their dating lives, I recommend you sign up to my newsletter too.
If you would like to improve your own cold approach skills, I’ve created a great 30 day cold approach challenge for guys who are relatively new to game. If you are new to game, this will literally change your life.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.