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51% of all marriages end in divorce with approximately 25% (conservative estimate) of these men bringing up children who are not theirs (paternity fraud), then these same men suffer from divorce expenses that financially ruin him. If these men took control of their relationship early by beating her mind games in the beginning, I’d argue that these men would not be in the bad situation they find themselves in today.
Today we’re going to set you on the right track with today’s post on How to Beat a girls Mind Games Like an Alpha. Why am I a self proclaimed expert, well I’m 41 yrs old at the time of writing this post, I game everyday (why I game everyday) and the author of ”the disabled casanova”. Anyway, lets get into it.
You have to be ready to stand your ground with her at any moment and project utter confidence in yourself, your abilities and show her that you can walk away at anytime. She needs to know (true or not) that you can fight off any other man as well as deal with every irrational emotional problem she may be dealing with (crazy or not). The world is a scary place for women and she wants to feel with you.
If the world is feeling unsafe around her, she will blame you and if you cannot make her feel safe, she will test you by playing mind games, until you either step up to the plate and ”man up” (i hate that saying) or she will continue to test you until you crumble into a broken and tired pathetic version of what you used to be. . . Then she will leave you
- Mind games women play before you’re in a relationship
- Mind games girls play while in a serious relationship with you
- Solution : How a man deals with his wives mind games (At the end of this post)
This is the hard truth and it’s better that I tell you about it here, than you learn it the hard way. On the bright side, you can always beat her mind games and come out on top. Today we are going to go through all the strategies you can use when dealing with a girl who’s playing mind games with you. I’ll be adding my own personal experience too, with a few valuable stories that I think are relevant.
Women will always be testing their men in a relationship. For most men this can be mentally exhausting, many of these men can be pushed into a state of feeling defeated. It can negatively affect their entire lives, with no way out other than to leave the woman they’re in a relationship with.
But for other men, they can battle their wives and girlfriends endlessly and come out on top every time. Today, lets talk about this topic and explore all the ways you can come out on top when dealing with a woman who likes to play mind games.
Any questions, feel free to contact me on facebook group (onemanslifemission) or if you are single and want to learn the sweet art of cold approach, click here
Mental Stamina Is Needed to Beat Women’s Mind Games
Before we get into all the different types of mind games girls play on their boyfriends and husbands, we need to address the most valuable asset you can bring to this mental warfare.
And that is the mental fortitude for overcoming any woman’s mind games, without a high amount of mental stamina, you will be broken down by the majority of women you get into a relationship with.
You can build up your mental stamina to deal with a woman’s mind games and tests by engaging in the mental warfare with her. Don’t look for solutions, just play her game back at her.
Remember, she doesn’t want you to find solutions to anything. Over time you’ll guild up your mental stamina and become a match for her. This will help your relationship last a long time, as women need someone who can take them on mentally and the only men who can do this are men with extreme stamina.

Beating Mind Games Women Play Before You’re Dating
- Replying to your messages a day or even a week later (I’ve received replies 6 months later…)
- Playing hard to get for no logical reason other than to mess with your mind
- Tells you that she doesn’t want to have sex too fast (makes you wait)
- Giving very little, while expecting you to make the relationship happen
- Telling you that she’s too busy with work
- Turning up to dates late or cancelling at the last moment
- Asking about your job (gold digger)
- Choosing where you both should go on the first date (testing to see if you can take charge)
- Accusing you of being a playboy and pretending that she’s looking for a relationship

Replying to your messages a day or even a week later
Don’t : Whenever this happens, some guys pretend that they have forgotten who she is (thinking that this will make her chase). I’ve tried this, she was already on the fence and treating you with disrespect, so this strategy will only make her ghost you again.
Do : Instead, pretend that nothing happened, by totally non-reactive and push for a meet-up as soon as possible. Keep in mind that she is playing mind games, so you need to play games in return. Hint that your date will be a nice restaurant and set up the date. When you meet up with her for the date, let her know that the date will be dinner at your place and that you are simply taking her straight home.
See how she reacts, sometimes she will go straight home with you and then you will have a good night on your hands. But, if she demands for you to take her out to a restaurant and tries another power play on you. Leave. That’s right, say bye bye. Remember that this is an obvious mind game that she is playing with you and that you need to play hard ball sometimes.
Playing hard to get
Don’t : Allow this to get to you and try to reverse the game on her. Going all passive aggressive, being mindful not to message her too much or she will think you are too needy, ending up only messaging her once a week. So many men try this but it rarely works. She’ll lose interest anyway, if you try this.
Do : Increase the amount of texts and calls you make, with the plan of forcing her to reject you faster. Not worrying about coming across too needy, not caring what anyone thinks. She’ll either stop replying entirely (then you can delate her contact) or she will say that she’s not interested.
Or finally, she will snap out of her ”playing hard to get mind game” and start to focus more on you. This means that she has decided to allow you to win this one and it can be the beginning of more wins in the future.
Tells you that she doesn’t want to have sex too fast
Don’t : Just have a million expensive dates that go no where like a simp. Firstly it’s a waste of your time and she’ll lose respect for you.
Do : Tell her that you are totally okay with not having sex at all (like a boss) but all future dates will be at your place. You can make out with her and do other things, but if she wants to take it slow, then she needs to show that the relationship is moving forward and coming home with you regardless, is a good move in the right direction.
Telling you that she’s too busy with work
This is just a lie, I’ve dated some girls who work 7 days a week and do ridiculously long hours, yet still make time to meet up with me. Know that this is not an excuse and call her out on her mind games. She’ll either fit into your way of thinking or go away. Remember that women who waste time are some of the worst who you will have to deal with. Your time is valuable.
Turning up to dates late or cancelling at the last moment
Always keep the text messages flowing right up until the day before the first date. Don’t ever message her two days before a date then stop messaging and expect her to turn up, she often will not. Girls force men to keep contact up continuously. Think of it as keeping the contact warm, if it gets cold, then your date is off.
Also, turn up to the date early (never late) and message her 15 to 30 minutes early, letting her know that you have arrived. If she’s late, make her feel guilty about it, by overexaggerating how long you’ve been waiting but also telling her that you don’t mind. She should feel guilty and that’s one way you can win the mind games with girls who are unreliable.
Asking about your job (gold digger)
Gold diggers are very annoying, she only cares about how much money you have. So, instead of telling her the truth about your current career and financial situation, lie. Gold diggers will leave if they think you are just an average joe, so overexaggerate how wealthy you are. Lie your way into a relationship with her while knowing that it may not be a long term thing. Love is a mind war, engage in it or quit. Your choice
Choosing where you both should go on the first date
Whenever a girl starts to tell you where your first date will be and trying to boss you around. She is testing whether you can take charge of the relationship, it’s a mind game which she may not be aware of.
Within reason, you should always be the one choosing the date location/restaurant etc. Even if she chose the best option, you should choose the 2nd best option just to make sure that you are taking control of the situation. Women prefer men who lead and this was her testing you.
Accusing you of being a playboy
Rarely do women say what they mean, they mostly mean something totally different. She’s really telling you that she’s not interested in you and playing a mind game.
This isn’t always the case, in rare occasions she is trying to get you to commit to her, but this is rare in the early stages of a relationship, mostly she’s messing with you. Generally women don’t care if you are a player, they just don’t care that much. From my experience, it’s almost over, when a girl says this to you.
Beating Mind games girls play while in a relationship
- Gaslighting you
- You are always questioning your own decisions validity
- Find yourself walking on egg shells in your own home
- She turns people against you and you don’t know why
- She compares you to other men in an underhanded way
- You can never relax, something is always wrong and everything is your fault
- She uses you as an emotional punching bag

She is Gaslighting You all the time
Diagnosis : ”Gaslighting is a colloquialism for a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is successful in having the target question their own reality, memory or perceptions.” Wikipedia.
You find yourself being blamed for almost everything, even when it’s never your fault. This over time starts to alter your reality, to the point where you question reality itself. What is reality and what is ”her truth” are two totally different things, she’s only trying to force you into questioning your own sanity via psychological mind game manipulation.
Solution : Always have the ability to walk away, even during a marriage. You need to be on top of a relationship from day one, that means making sure that you have financial leverage within the relationship always. Keep your assets separate as much as possible because a gaslighting girl who has her hands on your finances is a very dangerous person. You’ve been warned
She makes you question yourself
The subconscious mind games women play with their partners minds can over time dwindle away at your self belief. It can get to the point where you hear men saying ”I better ask the wife what she thinks about that” or ”I need to ask my wife for permission to buy that”.
This is so common and it’s partially because all of us like to allow someone else to make decisions, it takes all the pressure off our own shoulders.
But if you go down this track, she’ll end up wondering why she needs you at all, you’ll find yourself just being a working slave who takes orders. And eventually she’ll leave you for someone who has the strength to make his own decisions.
Solution : Always make your own decisions and be willing to take responsibility for those decisions, it’s the only way to remain on top in a relationship.
Walking on egg shells in your own home
Sometimes it gets to the point where her mind games are ruling your life and you are afraid to even make too much noise within your own home, or your wife will attack you again for whatever reason. This is totally unacceptable and it should never get to this point, but if it has, it’s time for you to start planning on leaving her asap.
She turns mutual friends against you
Typical psychopath move that women make, you should confront her about this immediately and warn her that this is a relationship ending move. If she continues to gossip about you, in a way that makes people dislike you for no good reason. It’s time to start planning an escape.
She compares you to other men
Every now and then, she’ll say something that seems to be her comparing you to her friends husband or a neighbour. This means that your relationship is close to ending, plus there’s a good chance that she’s already cheating on you.
Solution : Don’t be afraid to get angry and seem jealous. Show her how angry you are to be compared to other men and tell her that if she’s not happy to leave immediately. It may well be a bluff, but like everything else, you need to be on the offensive with women always.
Everything is your Fault
How often do you hear about men going for a walk to get away from their wife or girlfriend. Or they build a ”man cave” to have their own space. Don’t be confused, these men are not in control of their relationship, in fact they have been bullied out of the common spaces by their partner that wears the pants.
Solution : As a man, you need to dominate the common areas. You can’t allow her to make the entire home look like a women’s apartment, you need to put your foot down early and often. Remember to mark your territory as if she might take it from you.
Because she will take it, and all those men who have ”man caves” are a good example of the type of guy you don’t want to be. Your lounge room can be your cave and any other common area you choose. But you need to fight for it.
Your Wife uses you as an Emotional Punching Bag
Some wives will beat their man down with mind games until he crumbles into nothing. If you find yourself crumbling into nothing and always blaming yourself for whatever is going wrong in your relationship.
Remember to step back and take a good hard look at her instead. Stare her down if need be. Fire back at her with some criticisms of your own, let her know that whenever she fires at you, you’ll fire back just as hard.
Start looking for things that she does wrong and mention them daily. When she’ll start to look internally at her own problems, the focus will not be so heavily weighted on you.
How a man should deal with her mind games
My grandma never stops talking, she’s super aggressive, extremely difficult to deal with most of the time too. Even today, my grandma is hard as nails, it’s mentally exhausting for most people who has to deal with her. Imagine how difficult she was when she was younger.
My grandfather literally went to war with her everyday for the entire length of their relationship, he had some of the strongest frame a man could have.
Why would a woman suddenly lose interest?
My grandfather on my fathers side was a special case, he was quite a conservative man who just worked hard, came home, worked in the garden and on his home, simple man really. He was only educated with a diploma of engineering, that helped him to get a full time job in a factory.
My grandparents had a very traditional lifestyle, while surrounded by a feminist environment in Sydney Australia. They were together for over 50 years until he died around 2013, this was an extremely feminist time period in Australia, but my grandfather knew how to run a household and defend what was his.
How do you win at mind games?
Setting boundaries : I remember eating with my grandfather in the loungeroom one day, after we had eaten, I got up and picked up the plates to take them into the kitchen. My grandfather stopped me, he said that this is grandma’s job, us men do other things around the house, cooking and cleaning is not our job.
Frame battle : My grandma would always be trying to test him and anyone who would come visit them. I’d be in the middle of a conversation with him and she would barge in and start interrupting our conversation.
My grandfather would have to say something immediately ”hey! we’re in the middle of a conversation here!” something like that. It seemed from the outside looking in, he had to keep battling her for superiority everyday, like a constant mind game that he couldn’t afford to lose.
Alpha male : He was as close to an alpha that I can imagine, he worked almost everyday and took overtime too. He ended up owning 3 houses and retiring quite well off, while protecting everything he owned by keeping the power in his relationship at home.
They never got married officially, he simply bought both of them gold wedding rings though, he said ”I don’t believe in wasting money on celebrating us being together, when we are already together”. My grandmother never complained, she always agreed and seemed very happy when he took charge, she felt safe around a proper alpha male.
Finally I’d like to get you to check out my blog post on why you should never get married
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle (My Philosphy)
- What is indirect daygame
- What I say to Girls (Logistics)
- How to Write a PickUp field report
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.