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Men who are charismatic command the worlds attention and respect. They influence others through their energy and character. The hard truth is, a charismatic man is superior to men who lack it.
No one is born with charisma, it can be cultivated by imitation or osmosis. Charisma is not about a man’s appearance or attractiveness, you may well be ”tall, dark and handsome” well dressed and humorous.
None of these matter if you cannot project them properly. Becoming a charismatic man is more about magnetically seducing the world rather than the tiny achievement of alluring one girl.
No one is born with charisma, it’s cultivated with deliberate action.
Let’s Define a Charismatic Man First
Synonyms for charisma are captivating, alluring, magnetic, engaging, fascinating, enchanting and bewitching. Charismatic men have power to influence others, this can be used for good and evil. You can see how some charismatic people can turn to the dark side by abusing their enchanting power.
Examples of Charismatic Public Figures
- Mohammed Ali
- Russell Brand
- Fidel Castro
- Will Smith
- Tom Cruise
- Nelson Mandela
- Charles Manson
- Brad Pitt
- Conor Mcgregor
- Mystery (pick up artist)
- Barack Obama
- Adolf Hitler
Russell Brand
Known for having an outrageous personality, he’s a comedian, actor, social commentator and famous playboy. He talks extremely fast with a high verbal acuity. This guy can talk the pants off anyone. Russell Brand is extremely charismatic, he has used this to help himself become famous and sleep with many high quality women.
Charles Manson
This is the dark side of charisma. Charles Manson is known for being the charismatic leader of a murderous cult. He used his charisma to become a cult leader that ultimately went on a murder spree.
Charles engaged all of his members on a deep emotional level, then enchanted them into his own sadistic world view. Charismatic leaders can use their power for whatever their agenda is.
Meditation is the practice of removing all thoughts from our minds for a short period of time. It’s designed to help us become more present, to reduce the erratic thoughts in our minds. It’s known to have many positive mental health purposes.
One aspect of charisma is art of creating a deep connection with people. When you meet a charismatic person, they have a way of expressing themselves that helps you to understand them at a deeper level, they seem to be totally present in this very moment, it’s powerful.
They will show you that they understand you at a deeper level too (whether that’s true or not). This is engaging, alluring, captivating, magnetic, fascinating, enchanting and ultimately bewitching. Which we discussed above, are all the synonyms for Charisma.
We could say that a charismatic man is present in the moment and has the ability to force you to become present in the moment with him.
We could say that a charismatic man is present in the moment and forces you to become present in the moment to join him.
Russell Brand is so captivating and magnetic, we can’t look away, he has our total undivided attention, this is charisma. Most of the time, he doesn’t make sense, it’s difficult to understand exactly what he’s talking about.
But still, we stare at him captivated, we are fascinated at what he’s saying even when it’s drivel, he hypnotises us.
It’s difficult to connect with another person when you or they are not present in the moment. Have you ever tried to connect with someone who has autism, sure, this is an extreme case but humour me, have you?
Someone with autism is stuck in their own head, their minds are working overtime, but they aren’t entirely focussed on you, this makes it difficult to connect with them.
You don’t fully know what they are thinking, and you assume that they don’t know what you are thinking either, it’s difficult to make a meaningful connection with someone under these circumstances.
Imagine Russel Brand trying to develop a meaningful connection with an autistic person, it would be magical to witness, but ultimately he would fail because autism prevents this deep connection.
Remember, when you are working on your charisma, you are trying to captivate and engage, then ultimately enchant or bewitch the other person. You need their undivided attention to connect on a deeper level with someone.
Logic v Emotion
Logic and emotion are two different things. Men are mostly logical and women are mostly emotional. Women are attracted to high quality emotions, I think most of the common dating advice out there covers this.
If you turn on music, women can’t help but start to move their bodies. Some of the most feminine and beautiful women are more emotional than logical.
Let me tell a quick story. I was dating an extremely emotional girl who was a retired cat-walk model, she was way over the feminine threshold, almost to a neurotic level. She would bet bitchy with her work colleagues, she would get emotional with her sister and family. Let’s just say that drama followed her everywhere she went.
The positive side of her was just as dramatic, when she met my friends, they literally fell in love with her high energy feminine behaviour. My sister begged me to marry her, one of my best friends girlfriends (who is quite a difficult girl to know) fell in love with her over dinner one night, when we went to parties, everyone fell in love with her.
Because she was so emotional, I knew that it could go either way, good or bad. Just to demonstrate to you guys how emotional women can be, here’s how I would start each and every day we woke up together.
I set the alarm in the morning to a radio station that had positive pop music playing in the morning, so we would wake up to positive feelings. Then I’d roll close to her and start bumping her to the rhythm of the music, even when she was asleep, she would wake up and start giggling subconsciously.
Because of this strategy, she started everyday with me in a great mood, she jumped out of bed happily and ready to take on the world with a smile on her face. This was evidence to me that her highly strung emotional state was totally out of her control.
Charismatic Men Do This
- He demands attention – Good or Bad
- He is able to influence others
- He demands respect
- He has energy and character
- He captivates others in an alluring way

Charisma is a Feeling
Charismatic people trigger emotions within us, their freedom of expression, makes us in turn feel a little more free. They have something that we desire and therefore captivate our attention.
The fact is that our tone of voice our choice of words or body language, all the way down to the smallest of micro expressions that we subconsciously have. They signal, truthfully what’s going on inside us, and the people around us sense this, they can sense what we are thinking.
This can be a very powerful way of communicating with people, sure I can tell you something and you can choose to believe me or not, but if I can give you a feeling, then that feeling becomes your truth and at that moment I don’t have to convince you of anything, because emotion is truth.
This is what I think about charisma and how it can help you to meet your girlfriend or wife.
Charismatic Men Get Laid More Often
The main skill that I teach men, is how to cold approach women and to project your own form of charisma. The success rate is far higher than you may think, check out my coaching courses here.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle (My Philosphy)
- What is indirect daygame
- What I say to Girls (Logistics)
- How to Write a PickUp field report
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.
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