How Many Daygame Cold Approaches Does It Take To Get Laid?


March 28, 2022

One Man's Life Mission

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Build up your resilience to rejection and make sure that you are using the best possible Daygame strategies FIRST.
Then you keep hammering it out until you get laid, simple as that.

If nothing is working, then you need to find a good daygame coach like myself.

When you find yourself taking a huge amount of action and nothing is going your way, this is evidence that you are doing something seriously wrong and are unaware of it.

Get coaching, simple.

If you aren’t getting results, Daygame is not the problem, what you are doing is. Get a coach or change up your strategies.


How Many Daygame cold approaches does it take to get laid? LooksMax, theory of seduction, states that optimizing your looks and improving your lifestyle are the most vital factors of a Game.

To optimize your looks, you need to go to the gym, eat healthy foods, and groom yourself. Plastic surgery is another good option to consider to enhance your look but it’s not recommended unless extremely needed.

How many daygame approaches do I need to make?
How many daygame approaches do I need to make?

You might not agree with the Looksmax philosophy and believe in any other theory due to different reasons. For instance, besides the look, communications skills, money, flirting confidence, and social status also play a key role in the Game.

Having the most luxurious lifestyle also appeals to the girls. What about Ferrari and the best accommodation? In this game, 75% of the Game is all about your look and lifestyle and the other 35% is a mixture of a lot of things.

And, girls usually overlook the flaws of the guys and sleep with them who look attractive and have a good bank balance.

So you should try to optimize your looks by working out at least 5 days a week. Your workout may include yoga, soccer, running, lifting weights, or any other physical activity.

Plus, earn more money and improve your social status as well. After enhancing your looks and social status, you should know the exact number of cold approaches each day.

What Number of Daygame Approaches Does it take to Get a Girlfriend?

The total number of cold approaches depends on different factors like your skill level and the place where you live. For example, you should approach one girl each day initially.

Once your skill level goes high, you can approach two girls per day. Try to live in a cool place where you can meet plenty of different attractive women.

If a small town, approaching one girl per day is enough. Similarly, in a medium-sized town, you can do 2 approaches. In a big city, 4 or 5 approaches make sense.

The pro coaches can even afford 20 approaches per day because they have nothing to do with their career or other commitments. However, you don’t need so many approaches all the time.

If you have good daygame communication skills, you can take a very attractive girl on a date after 2 to 3 approaches.

We recommend you to be responsible and do 5 sincere and high-quality approaches instead of 10 rushing approach. Because you have to do some other jobs rather than spending an entire day for cold approaches.

Smashing out a hundred spammy Daygame approaches within one session on the weekend is stupid. Spread your approaches out across your week. Daygame is a lifestyle.


How Many Cold Approaches are needed in Nightclubs?

In a club, more girls are available at night so you can approach 10 girls every Friday or Saturday night. At this place, 20 or even above approaches also make sense.

Most of the time, you can get a quick result with more approaches. Depending upon the social event, you should do a minimum of 10 approaches at night.

What is an Effective Cold Approach?

During a night game, cold approaches don’t work mostly. So you should come up with an effective cold approach to get any result. It includes calibration, physicality, playful teasing, dancing, and cocky banter.

Approaching a girl during the daytime is a bit easy than nighttime. However, if you do it in an effective way, you can easily achieve your goal.

Counting Your Approaches

According to different experts, the success ratio of sleeping with a girl is around 1% to 7% when you approach during the daytime. It means that a noob would be successful 1 time after 100 approaches.

As soon as your level goes up, the ratio of having sex goes high as well. However, an advanced guy may need only 15 approaches to find his desired girl.

You can count your approaches yourself using different ways. For example, keep noting down the total number of approaches you do every day until you find a girl for a date.

After some time, are you successful to take that girl into your apartment for sex? If so, add the number of approaches you did each day to find the total.

I personally stopped counting my approaches. Whenever the opportunity arises, I take it. Counting Daygame approaches will cease to be useful when you reach a certain level.


Other Factors

The number of approaches you are making depends on the environment you are living in. For example, you will have a lower close-to-approach ratio in university or a social club due to your social proof there.

Similarly, if you are a lecturer, you will be attached to every girl in that environment due to your social status. Or if you work in the same company, you are not a stranger to the girls.

So girls won’t find any problem sharing their number with you. Approaching girls in such places is very easy.

If you are looking for single girls, university or student towns are the best places for you. However, you may find settled girls who are living with their boyfriends or husbands for a longer period in other neighborhoods.

In such places, the rejection ratio is much higher than those places where a single population is dominant. The country is another important factor. In some countries, the rejection rate is much higher than in others.

Keep the Record of Cold Approach and Dating

Take a pen and draw a table noting down how many approaches you are intending to do each day for next week. Try to follow up on your plan each day and tick the goal you have achieved.

Your goals include nightgame, daygame, and actual dates. Dates cover all types of dates including instant dates, online dates, and day 2’s dates.

Dates are the best way of seduction. Therefore, if you convinced a girl for a date, it means you have achieved your half goal. Plus, any further approach along with the date will be a bonus.

Writing down your goals and result for each week helps you to improve your progress quickly. Plus, it keeps you committed and focused. Set realistic goals and you will see results in no time.

To reduce the rejection rate, you should try to adopt some realistic cold approaches. Mark your goals and try your best to achieve them. Stay focused and committed to your goals and monitor your progress weekly.

At the same time, don’t be distracted from your study or career path. Improve your social status and earn more money, improve your social status, and optimize your looks to find attractive girls more easily.

Here are some of my best posts:

If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.


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