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Today i want to pitch my case why I think indirect day game is the superior method of daygame. And that you guys should be using this instead of direct day game.
So why is indirect daygame the superior method in my opinion?
The Basic Definition of Direct Daygame
Oh, and before we get into it. I think I’m one of the few guys out there that is actually pushing indirect at the
moment. And i think that when i pitch my case thoroughly enough. Eventually the rest of the manosphere / mens dating industry will come around. Because
i believe that I’ve got a good case to put forward.
Now, direct day game. Part of the argument is that you’re not alpha unless you go direct and direct means
showing your intent verbally by actually saying that you think that she’s pretty and she’s attractive and
you’re attracted to her etc.
That’s part of the argument, but the way i see it is.
When you go over and tell her she’s attractive, you’re putting her on a pedestal. You’re putting her above you. And for someone like me that’s out there to try and get results not only for myself but for my clients. Going over there and putting a girl on a pedestal and telling her that she’s better than you is not necessarily the best way to go.
Women like to date men who are above them, not men who are below them. This is what hypergamy is all about. So telling her that shes amazing only decreases your chances immediately because of this simple blunder.
- Women Know You Are Attracted to Them
- Women are not just a piece of meat
Another problem with telling her that you are attracted to her is : Women who are attractive always assume that all men are attracted to them by default. Yes, that’s right. All attractive girls assume that 99% of all men would love to sleep with them at any moment. Women by default believe to their core that most men would just sleep with them and you are no different from any other man they come in contact with.
Another negative effect of using direct daygame. Taking into account the above paragraph is. If she already assumes by default that every man would love to sleep with her, then you cold approach her in a direct manner. She immediately thinks that you must have some type of social awareness problem.
Think about it. If you are saying something so damn obvious to her, she’s going to wonder if you are functioning correctly in the head. It’s like cold approaching someone and telling them ‘’the sky is blue’’. That person is instantly going to think you are a little crazy.
Now we’ve established that. There are some men who need to go direct. These men are rare. They are extremely attractive men who all women would be attracted to. When a man who is so handsome. That the girl could not believe that this Adonis of a man would want to sleep with her.
Because he clearly has too many girls to choose from already. This handsome man has a totally different problem. He needs to spell it out to her. He needs to tell her that he’s attracted to her and that he wants her. Sometimes after he says that, she’ll still question him in sheer disbelief. She’ll say ‘’why do you want me? You have so many other girls to choose from’’. These are the same ‘’daygamers’’ who you see in daygame infields doing direct daygame.

The London Daygame Model is a direct daygame method
This strategy works for attractive men mostly. This does not mean that it won’t work for less handsome men. It simply means that it’s a less optimum strategy.
The second part of it is they say that you’re not a real man
unless you go direct because it’s like an alpha thing or something like that. I don’t understand this. The direct daygamers say you’re hiding your dick too. I don’t understand what exactly that’s supposed to mean either.
Some of them say that you’re scared to tell her she’s pretty.
As if it’s an alpha trait or something tough like that. If anything i think the reverse is true. I think it’s a beta trait to daygame a girl and just go oh i think you’re really pretty.
I don’t see the elite alpha caveman running around telling girls ‘’i think you’re pretty’’. I just don’t think that an ‘’alpha male’’ does this at all. And I don’t think that is something
that takes a lot of balls to do either.
When you say that i think you’re really
hot, every girl is going to say ‘’oh thank you, aren’t you are little cutie’’. Hell, she might even pat you on the head hahaha.
My argument here is that if you are trying to get girls
above your mate value, which is what real game is.
Game is not getting girls on your level
or beneath you, which anybody can do. We all know, you don’t need game to get girls beneath your mate
And that’s part of the reason why you have so many fraudulent coaches out there at the moment. It is because
they’re just pretty boys punching beneath their mate value getting girls that are beneath their mate value. Be realistic, that’s all they’re doing. And that doesn’t take any game or any skills.

How a High Status Males Cold Approach Can Differ From a Low Status Males Cold Approach
Imagine two different men approaching the same girl. On different occasions of course. Let’s use Cristiano Ronaldo as one male and the other male can be an unattractive man from an undesirable demographic (lets call him Bob). The girl can be, just an average looking girl from a below average socioeconomic family.
Cristiano Ronaldo approaches the average girl
and starts up a conversation. He shows interest in her, asking many questions about her. She is excited to be in a conversation with such a high status male.
But she doesn’t assume that he wants to date her because he is high status . Instead she assumes he is just being friendly.
This is a common problem for high status men. They often have trouble transitioning into showing intent. If he started out having an indirect conversation. He may well be building rapport, but the girl doesn’t need him to build much rapport because she is instantly attracted to Cristiano Ronaldo. Then imagine he told her that he’s interested in her. Her reaction will often be in disbelief because of his lofty status. I’ve seen this play out many times. Therefore in my opinion he should go direct immediately off the approach, as long as the girl is below his mate value.
Now, lets look at this same daygame cold approach as if the low status male did the approach instead.
The low status male approaches the average girl and starts up a conversation. He shows interest in her, asking many questions about her. She is not excited to be in a conversation with such a low status male.
She instantly assumes that this guy is attracted to her. Think about it from her point of view. In her mind, all men who are of lower mate value than her must be attracted to her. Women mostly believe that all men of low value that approach them, must be trying to pick them up. Unless the guy has a plausible reason to talk to her in the first place.
So, if the low status male goes direct and shows intent, she is going to reject him faster than if he has a plausible reason to talk to her.
From her point of view, do you really blame her?
If she was to take a risk on a strange man, it’s only natural for her to take that risk on a man that is of high status, rather than a low status man.
To conclude this little thought experiment. I recommend that a man who is trying to pick up (daygame) girls who are more attractive, younger, higher status than themselves.
In this scenario, the lower mate value male should always use indirect daygame.
- Gives him a plausible reason to engage her
- He’s less likely to get rejected immediately and therefore has a chance to build rapport
- He has built in plausible deniability, if he’s confronted over why he’s cold approaching her in the first place.
In this scenario, the Higher mate value male should always use direct daygame.
- She will (if she’s available) believe the high status male is genuinely interested if he shows it off the approach.
- Hypergamy is evidence that women are more likely to date men who are higher value than themselves.
- When cold approaching (daygaming) girls who are beneath your level, it’s just common sense that it’s easier to pick them up.
Using Direct Game Does NOT Make You Alpha
Many guys believe this false myth that going direct makes them an alpha male. It’s quite laughable to see men who are clearly anything but alpha, pretend that giving a girl a compliment is akin to entering the MMA ring to fight another man to the death.
The amount of times I’ve seen a short and unattractive manlet spam approaching, tall supermodel looking girls at the mall. Seeing these low mate value men going direct and being rejected immediately. Then he goes to the next girl, pretending to be all alpha because some guy on the internet told them it works. But finds out the hard way, that it doesn’t work when the girl is above his mate value.
Quite often the tall super model looking girls will smile or even laugh and praise the low value male for being so ‘’brave’’. Then he goes off to continue his spam session. Where the same scenario repeats over and over again.
Marketers Re-Branded The Compliment As ‘’Alpha’’
When the girl is above his mate value, she’s already on a pedestal. So, he’s already at a disadvantage. By giving her a compliment on top of that, he’s putting her up on an even higher pedestal than she already was. All he’s done is put a girl who was very difficult to attract, way out of his grasp.
In the past, men used a technique called ‘’the neg’’ in order to bring her back down to his level. But the neg has received far too much of a bad reputation for being mean to women.
So, marketers within the pick up/ dating industry decided to just re-brand the compliment as alpha. By re-branding the compliment as alpha, they hoped to avoid being attacked by feminists.
This myth has brainwashed so many men into using a strategy that in fact hurts their results with women above their mate value.
Direct Daygame uses Manipulation to Make Her Feel Guilty if She Rejects Him
Giving a girl a compliment on how attractive she is and how much you are attracted to her, can not be taken the wrong way. Think about it, how many times have you given someone a compliment and that same person has got angry at you. It never happens. The recipient of a compliment is always flattered by the kind words.
This makes it really difficult to reject the ‘’alpha direct daygamer’’ because he’s such a nice guy. The girl almost always will smile and say thank you.
Flaky Numbers And the Soul Destroying Feeling From Complimenting Girls All Day
Let’s be real here. It’s soul destroying when you constantly cold approach girls that you want to date and give them compliments but receive nothing but flaky numbers in return.
When the girl feels guilty if she rejects you, she will often instead just give you a fake number. Or she might even give you her real number but insist on just being friends.
Many of the men who have their souls destroyed this way, end up quite bitter and passive aggressive towards women.
There is a great book called ‘’No More Mr Nice Guy’’. It’s a great read and definitely a lesson for all men who have trouble setting boundaries.
Here’s a List Of Problems With Indirect Daygame
- Men have trouble with how and when to actually show intent.
- Transitioning from an indirect conversation into picking up the girl is a huge issue guys have.
- How to have a conversation off the cold approach without giving compliments, when most guys have it as their default conversation style.
- Positioning for indirect approaches can lead to making less approaches over time and you’ll need to blow out the cod webs by having a decent spam session once every 3 months (depending on what level you’re at).
- Indirect game opens up high pressure situations with onlookers around. Most newbies cannot handle the social pressure of doing these types of approaches.
- There are less canned lines that can be effective while going indirect, therefore you will need to improvise more often. Perhaps taking improv classes can help.
Conclusion :
To simplify this blog post on the difference between direct daygame and indirect daygame.
- You should use both direct game and indirect game. Being an ideologue that pushes one or the other and argues in forums over the validity of your chosen style. . . Well that’s simply not going to help your success with women. You’ll only find yourself arguing with keyboard warriors that never do any game anyway.
- Keep it simple.
- When the girl is above your mate value, you should lean towards using indirect game.
- When she is beneath your mate value, you should lean towards using direct game.
Here’s a free video series on this topic and also a bonus Pdf
Click this link to access it now.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.