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There are so many misconceptions about cold approach pickup and the obvious reason is most guys coaches are at most, at an intermediate level, most pickup coaches are amatures.
Cold approach pick up is a lifestyle, it’s not something you do for a few weeks then you quit, nor is it something you only do on the weekends like a sport.
Every time I leave the front door of my home, I switch on, no matter how busy I am or how little time I have, it only takes one minute to make a quick approach and make a connection that can bring an awesome girl into my life.
I meet girls everyday, unless something serious gets in the way, this is what advanced cold approach is, it’s a lifestyle, not something you dabble in, either take it seriously or you’ll never get good at it.
Why I Daygame Everyday

How To Become Advanced At Any Skill
- More practice is better
- Practice compounds over time
- Build constant momentum
You don’t get good at something by thinking about it, nor do you get advanced by talking or simply reading or watching videos on it. The only way to get advanced at any skill is to practice it.
And more practice is obviously better than less practice. A guy who practices a skill everyday will become better than a guy who practices the same skill once a week or once a month or even a year. So, it’s quite simple, the more you practice over time, the better you will become. Simple
Opportunity Can Come At Anytime
Everyday I leave home, I tend to see a beautiful girl who I find attractive. If you have done some cold approach yourself, you’ll be aware that a woman’s default reaction to most men is to reject them.
Women usually have higher standards than themselves, which makes it difficult too. Not to mention married women, girls who have a boyfriend, girls who are in a bad mood for whatever reason (yes this matters), girls who are affected by the weather can play a part too.
A girl who will get angry that you said hello today for whatever reason, may in fact be excited to speak to you tomorrow because of a multitude of factors.
With all this taken into account, us men only have a small window of opportunity for most girls to give us a chance. So, if you are switched on constantly and opportunity arises, you’ll be more likely to take advantage of the opportunity than a guy who isn’t.
Most men don’t have the ability to start a conversation with a girl who’s working in the grocery store, or a girl on public transport, or a girl that glances at me briefly in the lobby of my workplace.
I’ve got a facebook group where I breakdown cold approach pick up videos from all around the world in detail, join up to watch hours of very detailed explanations on what to do.
Girls Have Urges Too
This is common knowledge, everyone knows that women like sex too, but the next part most people don’t know. The negative parts of the manosphere always say that women have way too many options and this is somewhat true.
But and this is a huge BUT, they don’t always have a guy hovering around, nor do they always have unlimited options. So, lets imagine a girl who is quite attractive and has almost no opinions right now.
Does she immediately get online to meet some random dude? nope, their urges are slightly different than ours. And (I don’t know that stats) I’d assume that the majority of women don’t use dating apps.
So, lets imagine you are one of those girls who are feeling urges and have been feeling urges for the past week. What do you do? What do girls do under these circumstances?
How long do they wait until they hit the nearest nightclub or go online or accept an invitation from a guy they find repulsive and have had on the back burner for a long time, just to solve this urge they’re feeling?
I cannot tell you an exact timeframe, but I do know something for sure, the same way most men drop their standards in order to have that release, women drop their standards too.
The difference is, men will sleep with disgusting prostitutes or girls they dislike personality wise and men will become desperate in a shorter time period then women will.
But women do have those time periods, when they are willing to drop their attractiveness standards of men and are therefore willing to sleep with a lower mate value man, just to have that release. The difference is, she is far less likely to sleep with a lower mate value male who has a personality she dislikes.
Men just don’t care about personality as long as she’s attractive and we need to understand that women don’t think the same way we do.
This is your opportunity to swoop in and pick up a girl who’s of higher SMV than yourself, but you’ll need game to achieve this though. This is the sweet spot, this is when you can notice a girl during your day to day life who’s currently going through this period of urges without a guy to solve it and cold approach her.
Furthermore, keep in mind that you will have to be switched on 24/7 to take advantage of these opportunities though. This is one of many reasons why cold approach pick up is a lifestyle.
How Spreading Out My Cold Approaches Works
When a guy squeezes all his approaches into a concentrated timeframe, he needs to achieve more results within a shortened period of time, while obviously approaching more.
Most of the time, becoming a spam approacher. Naturally this can result in more and more outrageous approaches which can attract the attention of the general public.
And I shouldn’t need to tell you that attracting the attention of the general public is a very bad idea.
Media scandal much? We should all agree that keeping our community secret is what makes cold approach work, when every guy out there starts spamming on the weekend, the streets will become the same as online dating and no one wants that….
If you are sick of your bad results, hit me up here for some live infield coaching with myself, where I take you out and teach you game in person.
Cold Approach PickUp Has a Bad Reputation
All the people who hate on pickup and say that it doesn’t work are referring to the pickup community and their amature pickup guru’s who are fulltime marketers and part-time cold approaches.
They teach the masses to game in short, scheduled in, sessions. They have created millions of weekend warriors who schedule in a cold approach pick up session (with a wing), they meet up in a high density location and spam the hell out of it like a bunch of lunatics.
They freak out women with their aggressive, uncalibrated stops, which in their minds are justified. Because these fools need to squeeze in as many approaches and leads as possible within a short period of time, because these spammers won’t do another approach until next weekend.
Squeezing all your cold approaches into a concentrated few hours a week is the problem here and I’m the only one who has come up with the solution of making this a lifestyle, hit me up here for some coaching. These pickup coaches and their students give the rest of us a bad name and to be frank it needs to stop.
Never Getting Rusty at Cold Approach Pick Up
I can safely say that I’ve never really had a period when I was ”rusty”. When you do something everyday over a long period of time, it becomes normal and I can comfortably say that daygame is as normal as eating and sleeping to me because of how often I do it.
This doesn’t mean that I do many approaches per day either, I’m lucky to get in 3 or more approaches per day, but adding them up over a year, equals over 1000 approaches minimum. This means that I can be switched on everyday and that makes it a lifestyle, not a hobby.
Less Scarcity During The Approach
How many times do you see a guy cold approaching girls in a super needy way. He feels bad when they don’t hook and when he find a girl who’s a little timid, he’ll push hard for the phone number, so that he at least feels like he’s getting somewhere.
Needless to say, I don’t have that problem, I’m cool calm and totally on top of my sub-communications during every cold approach.
If a girl doesn’t hook, I don’t feel the need to be more aggressive on the next approach, it just doesn’t matter, because I know that over a short period of time, I’ll find a new girl to date and sleep with because this is a lifestyle to me.
Why No European PickUp Coaches Are Advanced
This may annoy a few people but I think it’s important for the truth to be heard.
How many pick up coaches in Europe pretend they know what they are doing, when they can only do cold approach pick up 3 months a year? It doesn’t make sense after reading my full blog post today.
No one can ever become advanced at any skill unless they can do said still everyday or at least most days.
You’ll notice around June every year they come out of the woodwork pitching their live coaching bootcamps, but where have these guys been all year? Yup, that’s right, they’ve been doing nothing. Sure there are a few who travel all winter, but these ones are rare.
If you are interested in getting coaching from a pick up coach who does it everyday, then hit me up here or join my facebook group here.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.