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There are many different ways to start a day game conversation and it can get quite complicated, so I’m going to break them down into categories, which should make it easier to understand.
The difference between each category depends on the situation, mate value differential, onlooker density and a few other scenarios.
In today’s article I’ll cover different times of the day and different days of the week and how you should alter your strategy based on these times. These strategies are only a small amount of the things I coach my clients, have a look here to learn more.

Did you just come out of the oven? Because you are hot!
Please don’t use pick up lines
Different Scenarios in Day Game (Daygame Openers)
- Sundays in the city
- Sundays after 6pm
- Saturdays in the city
- Quiet times Mon to Fri in the city
- Peak hour in the city Mon to Fri
- 7pm mon to Fri in the city
- After 9pm in the city
- When to go direct in daygame
- When to go indirect in daygame
You’re so sweet, you are giving me a toothache
Pick up lines are stupid
Sundays in the city (Daygame Cold Approach Pick Up)
Usually Sundays in the city are pretty relaxed, there won’t be many people walking around in a rush to get to work, nor will they have pressing appointments to get to either.
This should make it easier to start a conversation with a girl. ”Hooking” is when you try to talk to a girl and she decides to be friendly and talk to you, on a Sunday, it should be easier to have girls ‘hook” and be willing to talk to you. This can be half the battle in a busy city.
Sunday during the day is one of the best days of the week to invite a girl you just met for lunch or a coffee or drink etc. Most girls you meet will have time for this, so it’s a great time to try for it.
Something is wrong with my eyes, because I can’t take them off you!
How embarrassing
Sundays after 6pm (Pick Up Day game Cold Approach)
Unfortunately after 6pm is the end of cold approach from my experience. It’s when everyone starts to think about waking up the next day for work and a slight cloud of depression descends on the city. Almost every girl who you try to talk to at this time, will be mostly thinking about work and not in the mood to have a conversation with you. This doesn’t mean that you can’t meet a girl, you definitely can, it’s just less likely late on a Sunday.
Somebody better call heaven, because they’re missing an angel
Pick up lines don’t work
Saturdays in the city (Day game Pick Up Cold Approach)
There is something special about a Saturday in the city, it’s usually when girls from all over the greater city area tend to come into the centre of the city to go shopping etc. This is, not only you will have the opportunity to meet girls that you won’t see during the week, but some of these girls are lonely and kinda hoping to meet a guy.
Think about this from a single girls point of view – you are a single girl from the outer suburbs and you find it difficult to meet new guys. So, you travel into the city to go shopping because you are a little bored.
In the back of your head, you think, I’d like to meet a guy and I guess coming to the city surrounds me with more guys than usual, maybe I’ll meet one.
In my opinion, Saturdays can be great for meeting girls who are really open to meeting new guys.
Do you have a map, I keep getting lost in your eyes
Do guys actually try these? jeez
Quiet times Mon to Fri in the city (Pick Up Cold Approach)
This is when girls you meet are either running errands in-between work places, on a lunch break etc. You can normally tell the difference between girls who are working and girls who are just walking around window shopping.
If you end up trying to start up a conversation with a girl who is working, then you will be dealing with a time constraint. Talk fast, get her contact info and get out, it’s pretty much the best you can do under those circumstances.
On the other hand, it’s far more preferable for you to cold approach a girl who is not working and window shopping, this is a far better scenario to find yourself in. This girl is either unemployed or has a day off for some reason, which means that she might be keen to hang out with you.
Is your name google, because you have everything I need
Drunk loser says this at 3am in the morning
Peak hour in the city Mon to Fri (Cold Approach Pick Up)
The morning peak hour is far easier to start up a conversation with a girl, from my experience girls are far more friendly on the way to work, try it if you haven’t already. On the other hand, the afternoon peak hour is a little more difficult.
This will be a test for all your indirect daygame skills you have. Starting a conversation with a girl while having onlookers around will be a test for your social skills, especially because the onlookers will be of high socio economic status too.
You’ll need to have plausible deniability and do it in a covert way, while getting her contact information or even inviting her out with you that night. This is advanced game and what I couch men to to here.
Do you have a band aid, I just hurt myself falling for you
Really? Come on, you can do better than this
7pm mon to Fri in the city (Cold Approach Day Game Pick Up)
From my experience, this is when girls are on their way to buy dinner and a great time to meet a girl, start a conversation with her and invite her out to dinner with you. This worked countless times for myself and if you have some skill, it will work for you too. Here’s some of the courses I teach.
You’re so beautiful that I forgot my pick up line.
Complimenting girls rarely works
After 9pm in the city (Daygame Pick Up)
Around this time, it starts to get quiet and most girls won’t want to talk to you because it’s a little creepy. She’ll assume that you are either on drugs or crazy, so your hook rate will fall off around this time. This doesn’t mean that you can’t find the love of your life at this time, but it will be slightly more difficult, that’s for sure. Fridays included.
If being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged
I’m sick of these too
When to go direct in daygame (Pick Up Lines)
The simplest way to look at this is a mate value play off. If you are far more attractive than the girl, you can tell her she is attractive and she’ll still be interested in you. Pretty much, if she is of lower mate value than yourself, you can let her know you are attracted to her and it will work a high percentage of times. Only go direct if you are better looking than she is. Simple.
I believe in following my dreams, can I have your instagram
This couldn’t be a worse way to talk to girls. This is bad for so many reasons.
When to go indirect in daygame (PUA Cold Approach)
To learn more about indirect game, click here. Indirect is used when the girl you are interested in, is more attractive than you are, she is of higher mate value than yourself. And/or when there are onlookers around and you want the girl to notice how socially aware you are.
Imagine how embarrassed a girl would feel like, if she had to deal with you coming over to her and saying one of those pick up lines, yes you would make her and more importantly yourself look quite stupid. Indirect game is difficult and it’s one of the many skills I teach my clients here.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle (My Philosphy)
- What is indirect daygame
- What I say to Girls (Logistics)
- How to Write a PickUp field report
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.