Baby arbitrage was invented by Dave who is a self-development coach for men. One of the services I offer is travel immersions for men to go find love abroad with a girl who is willing to have their baby. As you can imagine, this is something that will require a superhuman amount of problem-solving but is definitely possible.
Baby arbitrage is a last resort for men who were born into a bigoted Western society that is currently taking every human right away from men, one by one. One of those human rights is the ability to have children. Sure the baby boomers were able to have multiple children and buy a house with a double garage, a boat, and two cars.
But you cannot. You are now paying into a neo-feudalist economic system that is paying for the elderly retired parasites who set this corrupt system up. Globalization has ended, yet the workplace is still acting as if we still have it.
Reminds me of how the lockdowns continued, even after all the science had proven we didn’t need to enslave people for the flu. Most smart immigrants went home during the lockdown insanity because they knew inflation would explode afterward.
So, they took their money out, went back to their home countries that still respect men, and many found a good girl to have kids with. Live happily ever after, blah blah blah.
This means, as a Western man, you have nowhere to flee to, you are effectively trapped in this corrupt system. The question is, are you going to marry a woman in the West and effectively become her economic slave? Just to have a chance to reproduce… Or would you like to listen to my novel/innovative way to get around this corrupt system?
As Neo said, will you take the blue pill and become a slave, or take the red pill and retain some of your human rights and dignity? I’m paraphrasing of course, but you get the point.
Below I’m going to outline my solution to the oppression of men’s rights to reproduce in Western countries.
Due to my circumstances, I’ve started to think of innovative ways to have children. As a disabled guy in his 40’s in Australia, I’m running out of time to have kids. Ideally, if I didn’t start life in a ghetto, to a useless single mother, and need three major surgeries, amongst other issues I discuss in my book ”The Disabled Casanova”. I’d most probably have a family by now.
Men like myself, with good genes should reproduce for the greater good of human society. I’m a Mensa member with one of the world’s highest IQs. All of the modern technology was invented by humans with high IQs, so I have an obligation to humanity for my gene’s to be passed down.
Australia’s loss will be the gain of another country.
My country is currently being flooded with immigrants from extremely undesirable places on Earth. This is caused by female fascism controlling the state, which has disincentivized men like me from reproducing. As the low birth rate continues to decline, more immigrants will be needed to fill the economic gap.
Western economies have moved towards more of a feudal economic system than capitalism in my opinion. Only wealthy men who were born into privilege and lower socio-economic class, impulsive men who cannot plan for the future are still having children.
The movie: ”Idiocracy” is the best and funniest example of what is happening in Western countries like Australia today in 2023
Infantile Women Don’t Take Responsibility As Mothers Anymore
Western women aren’t adults, they are mostly just children themselves. So, you’ll have a child, while supporting a second child. The problem is, only one child grows up, and the mother of your child will never grow up. Then she’ll start gaslighting your child, most child abuse comes from the mother, in Western society.
It’s disgusting, but it’s the truth.
In the past, both the mother and father took responsibility for the child’s well-being. Current-day Western society has given far too much political power to women, that they have become effectively children themselves.
Fathers in Western society have become modern-day slaves to the system, and their infantile women who think about themselves more than their own children.
The vast majority of women who live in my country Australia are happy to trade their own child’s happiness away. Women in Australia will lie and cheat in the family court system, for some short-term cash. Trading away the long-term prosperity their children could have, only to subjugate the poor children to a miserable life, living with a single mother.
A man who is forced by court order to do anything, even support his own children, will look for ways to regain his freedom from the court’s oppression. Even at the expense of his children’s future. This weakens society. The west is dying.
The Divorce Courts Are Female Fascist Gangsters
I personally have never had the pleasure of being criminally oppressed by the Australian family court system. You know the saying, smart people learn from other people’s mistakes, this is what I have done.
When the divorce rate is over 50% in Australia, and most women start divorce proceedings, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize the system is rigged.
I’ve never met an Australian man who has been treated fairly in the Australian family court system.
A man who is given the freedom to choose whether he supports his children and has a say in how they are brought up. This man will put all of his energy into providing a good future for his family. This creates a string society.
How many men don’t get a chance to reproduce?
After having a good look at the stats worldwide, it turns out my plight is more common than I thought. This makes me feel slightly better, yet I am the type of guy who can overcome anything. It doesn’t matter how difficult the situation is, there’s no way I’m going to be a guy stuck in the bottom 50% of anything.
Check this out before I explain my plan in detail.
Over 55% of all men worldwide don’t even get the chance to reproduce, let alone get a chance to date a girl for a while, then have it all fall apart. Worldwide there are more men than women, this affects the stats too. This alone means that you have less than a coin toss chance of having children as a man, anywhere in the world.

These stats have become worse in Western society. As women in Western society have become the wealthiest, not only in the world but the wealthiest demographic of human beings the world has ever seen throughout history. It would seem that an ever-decreasing percentage of men are sleeping with the majority of women.
Fatherhood Is Only For Millionaires In Australia
The main store of wealth in Australia has become property. Gold or the ever-inflated currency is totally out of the question. Gold isn’t allowed to be stored in Australia by our ”friends” in the USA and UK because we aren’t allowed to be independent. Long geopolitical story, if you get coaching with me, I’ll tell you all about it.
So the government decided to reduce building developments, to artificially inflate property prices while flooding us with immigrants. This is called feudalism, which I’d say Australia is getting closer to every day.
Without a sound roof over your family’s heads,
Divorce is HELL for Australian Men
Like every problem I’ve had to overcome during my life, reproducing is just another hurdle that should be easy enough for me to leap over. Check out my autobiography (The Disabled Casanova), if you want to learn more about me.
After a divorce (50% chance) men will lose all leverage in the relationship. This leads to them having, in some cases, no access to their children (this happened to my father with me). There’s the divorce settlement, where the man will lose 50% of his life savings, and of course child support until the child becomes an adult.
I’ve heard of some men having their passports taken from them, and even being put in jail for not paying child support. The female-dominated court system, has nothing but contempt for men, with very little compassion. The entire Western family court system can quite accurately be described as evil.
There are far too many cases where the father loses all the power in this situation while having to pay child support for a child he’s not allowed to visit. Not to mention, the Western man hasn’t got any say in how his child is being brought up.
Men will sometimes develop a little contempt for their own children, caused by all of the stresses involved. Women in the West are happy to enslave a good man, just so they can access resources they never earned, at the expense, not only of their ex-husband but their own children too.
Imagine being forced into slavery by your ex-wife, plus developing slight contempt for your own child. This has to be a form of torture. A man who has the freedom to choose whether he will support his family or not is more likely to put all of his efforts into it.
A man who is forced by court order to do anything, even support his own children, will look for ways to regain his freedom from the court’s oppression. Even at the expense of his children’s future.
Some Western women are selfish and somewhat psychopathic.
Baby Arbitrage Solves Government Oppression Of Men
Here’s a list of things that must be avoided at all costs, for me to beat the fascist Western divorce courts:
- I cannot have children in Australia (there is absolutely no way around this one)
- Write a list of developing countries that have a bright future geopolitically. A country that should avoid getting involved in any major war for the next 20 years or so.
- Write a list of developing countries that have a lower chance of evolving towards feminism as it gets wealthier.
- This country needs to have a currency weaker than the Australian dollar for at least the first 10 years of my child’s life.
- This country cannot have any diplomatic spat with Australia, or currency and people will be shut out.
- Out of the final list, I need to research the country’s attitude toward fathers. Are men oppressed in family courts etc. Find a country with little to no laws at all.
- Choosing a girl who is somewhat educated, and from the highest possible social economic status I can find
- Logical women make better mothers. Avoid emotional/neurotic women
- Most developing countries have ingrained racial caste systems. So, the mother of my child needs to be the preferred caste. Eg Han in China, Brahmins in India etc
- Currency arbitrage will give my family abroad more purchasing power
- The threat of stopping support payments at any moment will give me the power to make sure my child has the best possible future. Leverage is everything.
- I need to find a country that will never obstruct my ability to fly in and out whenever I please. Can I get a long-term visa? I don’t want to get forced into getting married, just to visit my child.
What Is Baby Arbitrage?
Although the most desirable way to have a family is obviously finding a woman to marry and have a family together in your own country. Many men have, for whatever reason, found themselves either too old to take a risk on marriage or find themselves stuck in the lower socio-economic group. These men have absolutely no other options left, other than using the baby arbitrage method to further their legacy as men.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle (My Philosophy)
- What is indirect daygame
- What I say to Girls (Logistics)
- How to Write a PickUp field report
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.