How Can I Pick Up a Beautiful Girl? How I Talk to an Attractive Woman?


May 15, 2022

One Man's Life Mission

How can you pick up a ten? This is something that very few people can do unless they are ten themselves.So getting a ten or nine, a very attractive girl, is extremely difficult.

Daygame is the only way. Today I will try to piece it together and I’ll explain how I managed to pick up a ten and how it will unfold in the end from approach, text game, and date. How can you pick up a 10?

My understanding is that 10 is predicated on what you’ll make value. I’m gonna break it down about an experience that I’ve had. The approach.

Cold Approach a 10 on Public Transport

First, I went to the train station while I was walking alone, and there was this stunner in a black dress. There was a guy that was with his family. He is drooling over.

Another guy who is tall, large fit-looking middle-aged and He was just literally staring at her too. I went in and I asked her about masks. I was like where’s your mask? Have they changed the rules?

She liked my little jokes. She had no problem with the proximity to me and then the train came, jumped on the train as soon as we jumped on the train when we walked on, she continued talking to me and had no problem with me sitting next to her.

How I Talk to an Attractive Woman?

How To Daygame a Ten

I had onlookers around. There’s a lot of pressure, that’s what makes games so much fun. We talked about a lot of things. She said that she was traveling in the next couple of days. Dealt with the pressure and as I got off made another joke. It’s a very important time constraint.

When are you getting off? Because you need to get her number before getting off. The text Thread, I start with nice bumping into you before she replied, literally after one minute. the next day.

I text about a place and I’d like to take you on Thursday. And I just went straight in for the date, No fluff texting.She said that she was getting back from her trip that Thursday. I text her and it turns out I didn’t hear from her for two days. I didn’t panic and didn’t continue texting her.

She eventually said that she was exhausted and jet-lagged. It turns out that she wanted to reschedule. I waited almost an hour, so after the first text, I didn’t reply. I said if you were exhausted, we could just get takeaway and watch a movie tonight. Aren’t you back to work Tuesday?

It was Sunday. Well firstly I was pushing for her to come straight out that night even though she was jet-lagged and what I was putting into that text is I was making it clear that we can get taken away and come straight back to my place now.

If not, if we’re going to have a date on Monday, I want to make sure that you’re not working Tuesday morning and that I have enough time to pull you. She’s intelligent. She understands all the nuances in my text and what I say.

She said :I’d prefer to go to the restaurant first. I said It closes at 9:00 PM, so you still have time. It’s up to you tomorrow. It’s cool though. I’m still hinting that even if she’s tired, she can come around, get, take away, and come back to my place. so it’s gone from our first interaction at the train station to staying at my place.

How Can I Pick Up a Beautiful Girl?
How Can I Pick Up a Beautiful Girl?

How To Date a Girl Who’s a 10

This is another level I don’t think you’ll make it to. There are numerous steps to take, as well as practice in between. You’ll need a lot of experience before you reach this level.

She said I think tomorrow will be better. I didn’t ask her, I told her to let’s meet at 5:00 PM. And then I said, make sure you’re hungry. The date As a result, she arrived. The miniskirt and low-cut top looked absolutely stunning. And she hugged me. We held hands and she was very bubbly.

We went straight to the restaurant. We sat down, and after we finished, my plan was to go to my place after dinner. While we were eating, every guy in the restaurant was staring at her. After we had finished our dinner. We walked outside, and then I suggested returning to my apartment.

She was very good at negotiating out of that, She said, you know it’s the first date Then on the corner, I just said Oh well I need this and then I pulled her in and made out with her. She either texts me or sends me a photo of her cat when she gets home. That she didn’t do is a bad sign. Two days after the scheduled date.

So I sent her a cat video that we were discussing. no response. We are supposed to have a date this weekend and two days later I texted her to meet me for lunch Saturday or Sunday, doesn’t matter because it’s Friday, right? no response.

The Most Valuable People in Society are Beautiful 10’s

My plan was if she comes at lunchtime, I’ll have more time to pull her now before she gets to my place. What you do at this point is entirely up to you. You literally just walk away.

You either delete the thread, and I don’t have her phone number. I don’t even know what the beautiful 10’s name is. I had forgotten her name. It makes no difference because.

If you remember every single girl’s name you’re dating and you’re constantly rejected, It’s like death by a thousand cuts. Consider it from her perspective: she is surrounded by friends.

Her family elevated her because females are the most valuable in Western society. Because they have her, their work becomes more valuable. If their friends want to hang out with them because it elevates their social standing. So,you have to swallow your ego. You have to play the waiting game.

Here you have to remember it was a good interaction. A lot of these guys will take her out to $1000 dinners and drive her around in their Ferrari, and ten dates later they’re just trying to push the provider frame.

I’m not going to play that game. I’m playing a proper game, which is what most men must do because most of you don’t drive a Ferrari. You could be too young. Not enough money.

Picking Up a Hot 10 out of 10 Woman

You could be a single guy under the age of 25 or over the age of 35. Maybe you’re not ripped enough. You could have drawbacks. That is why the game has such a high value. Another consideration is if she does not respond and I become needy. She’ll realize then how insignificant I am.

So a lot of girls put you to the test by playing these games. You should also be aware that simply sleeping with a hot girl like 10 does not guarantee that she will become your girlfriend.

She’s far above mate value, and I only got a chance with her through the game. It’s the only thing available; no other hacks exist. When men realize that the game does not suit them. Their only option is to work and go to the gym. Because their game is bad and they don’t understand it.

Most men are unwilling to invest the time and effort. The only way to solve this is to increase their mate value. There are a lot of factors that prevent you from ever being A9 or A10.

● born into the wrong family.

● you don’t have the education.

● you just work hard, but you just don’t have the money.

The game is absolutely vital. Believe me, I think that’s pretty comprehensive. I believe I’ve covered a lot of ground, so I hope that makes sense to you.

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