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Reality and What Can Be Done. Hypergamy is real, but you can overcome it by staying true to yourself.
While you may have heard similar dating advice and this term before, you might not fully realize it’s implications.
While hypergamy is most often used in the context of a woman’s desire to date and marry up, especially socially or economically, women are also attracted to men who can improve the quality of their life in other ways– such as by making them feel more secure or confident through his actions.
When a woman feels that your presence will improve her life, she will be more likely to stay with you long-term.
Learn cold approach with me as a strategy to overcome a womans hypergamous nature. Contact me below
Feminine Hypergamy – Don’t be that Thirsty Guy
There is a difference between being a loser who’s thirsty and having a thirst for knowledge! While the former is often considered by mainstream society as somewhat of an unattractive trait, the latter is highly valued.
Thirst can be defined as a state of extreme desperate need. Someone who’s “thirsty” usually has little to no self-respect. Thirstiness can be displayed in multiple ways, including:
- Sending flirty text messages to someone you’re not close with (especially if they haven’t shown interest)
- Being too eager when following up on your interactions with someone you like
- Seeming too enthusiastic about going on dates with someone new
If you find that you’re exhibiting these qualities, it’s important to take some time to reflect on why this might be happening. Do you have low self-esteem?
Do you think that this particular person won’t want to date/sleep with/be friends with someone as average looking or smart or interesting as you are?
Are you feeling down and just want a confidence boost from another person?
If so, it’s important to take steps towards resolving these issues in a healthy way—like talking about it with friends, meditating for 20 minutes every day, and spending more time doing things that make YOU feel good within yourself rather than waiting around for external validation from others.
Don’t make her your purpose in life
In my opinion, you should never make a woman your purpose. You should have a purpose that makes you happy and fulfilled. I know that many of you don’t have a purpose at all and I want to help you get one.
What do I mean by a purpose? It doesn’t have to be your career or anything related to work, it can be anything. As long as you (as a man) have full control over your emotions and it is something that motivates you and makes you happy then it counts.
Your purpose should not be finding a girl or getting laid because these things will come naturally when your life is in order and going according to plan.
Stop trying to change yourself for her
To be successful with women, stop trying to change yourself for her. Don’t change your opinions or beliefs, your personality, your appearance, your hobbies, your friends and family, or even your culture for her.
The more you try to become the man she wants you to be the more frustrated and resentful you will become until eventually, you give up on trying to make a relationship work with her. Stop wasting time on her or any woman who doesn’t see your worth.
If you’re spending time with a girl who doesn’t appreciate your value, you’re wasting your time. Women are hypergamous in nature and are always looking for the next best thing.
You’re wasting your time trying to convince her of your worth. She already knows it or she would not be with you.
Someone who is not interested in being with you is not someone who deserves your attention and energy.
Find someone else that appreciates what you have to offer and focus on attracting her but also working on yourself and growing as a person because this will ultimately attract more women into your life.
Never be afraid of being alone; remember that the right girl will come along when the timing is right and it’s meant to be.
Women know they have the upper hand in relationships, so they usually hold out for the best
Politically correct (PC) people are concerned with equality, whereas truthfully (TRU), they have to be aware that women usually know they have the upper hand in relationships and in many ways can control men.
A man who is more than a boyfriend might be able to turn out the light at a party and say “I’m not talking to you anymore,” but a woman can get any guy she wants.
Often, women chase the greatest challenge of all, which is having a guy that can provide for them. This includes the ability to provide for them physically, emotionally, and financially.
A lot of women will settle for a man that is able to provide for her in one way or another.
It’s a women’s natural tendency to attract as many men as possible and pick the best one
Women want to sleep with a lot of men. We’re all aware of this fact (whether or not you acknowledge it), but what most people don’t understand is that women want to sleep with the “best” man they can get their hands on.
Women are attracted to power, because power translates into doing things for them.
Your woman may not be able to explain this to you, but she will always choose the best option available when it comes to mating decision making.
If she is unhappy with her current lover, she will seek out a better, higher-value man from day one rather than work at improving the relationship.
Women do NOT see relationships as investments that grow over time. They view relationships as something that have an expiration date and must constantly be re-evaluated in order to avoid missing out on something better.
Women only feel comfortable investing in a relationship if there is no chance of losing out BIG TIME by being left behind while some other woman gets more value from her husband/boyfriend than she does now.
Here are some of my best posts:
- Cold approach is a lifestyle
- How to get a younger girlfriend
- What is indirect daygame
- How to spot a fake dating coach
- How I got laid in Japan (epic post)
- Why Thailand is NO longer good for getting laid
If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.